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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. Storm MODE.... https://kaosfactory.github.io/assets/music/storm.mp3
  2. Maybe I can post when it is in storm mode?... with special storm mode audio and NWS alerts.
  3. Thanks for the kind words. When I have time I will explain it all in better detail... including how to run WeatherStar 4000+ locally. Happy New Year.
  4. I can provide additional details if needed. On another note, I will be working on a new version optimized for viewing on a TV.
  5. Click on the page. Depending on your browser, change permission settings to allow auto-play. Most browsers do not allow automatic playback of audio by default.
  6. There are updates I haven't posted. Found at same links. Still working on various versions. Perhaps there will be something worth tracking in the near-ish future?
  7. https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/kaos-wx.html?lat=lake shore,md,us
  8. Added 72 hour option to forecast map. Updated timeline slider to highlight on mouse hover.
  9. Direct links... https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/mapview.html https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/mapview.html?lat=annapolis,md,us
  10. Next I add a geo search box function. By default the forecast page will use your geolocation or search location from the main page. That location will be your initial location on the map. From the forecast map page, you will be able to search globally as well. Bottom line is you should be able to search anywhere from the 48hr forecast page.
  11. Updated forecast map... It has an adjustable timeline. More importantly, you can drag the timeline slider to any given time to render the data for that specific time.
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