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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. Cool. For a second, I thought it was trying to eat short pump.
  2. Not the CLAW!!! Is that a claw forming? Can some red taggers confirm this is not a claw.
  3. Literally getting ready to do that now. LOL
  4. MapsGL 18 Hour forecast map...
  5. https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/fmap2.html?lat=39.124269,-76.5374861
  6. https://kaosfactory.github.io/desktopX1.html
  7. https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/kaos-wx.html?lat=pasadena,md,us
  8. HRRR.... https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/fmap3.html?lat=39.124269,-76.5374861
  9. I must get this done. WE HAVE A STORM COMING!!!! https://kaosfactory.github.io/assets/music/storm.mp3 NAM... https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/fmap2.html?lat=39.124269,-76.5374861
  10. With the groundwork laid for future ws4kp development, I will go back to the forecast maps. NAM and HRRR are next.
  11. Missing ws4k is not a bad thing. I use it all the time. I am also the guy that has both intellistar or ws4k looping. No shame in that. I attached a file explaining how to install WeatherSTAR4000+. Download files from here.... https://github.com/kaosfactory/ws4k I have this installed and WORKING on my LOCAL network. I do not have a PUBLIC Windows server that I can host from. If anyone wants to provide hosting, that would be great. This is not "easy" and "normal" people will probably fail. I will be impressed if anyone takes the time and/or has the skill set to install it locally, please post screenshots if you succeed. I am will to provide some assistance if necessary. The upside to installing locally is that YOU control the files. Meaning you can make your own changes, improvements, fixes, etc. Additionally, Intellistar can be installed locally in a similar manner allowing for total control of both emulators. Again, I will be surprised if anyone does that. With that said, I will provide a public link to ws4k for "lazy" people. No shame in that either. This link is NOT maintained by me... https://battaglia.ddns.net/twc/ HowToInstall.txt
  12. Here is the GFS. You can go out 72 Hours. You can view frames at specific times utilizing the timeline above the map. The map fits on my HDTV without scrolling using a full screen browser. Legends are shown below the map (scroll down). The rest should be self explanatory. Now I need to do the same for NAM and HRRR. For the time being I am incorporating these changes into the desktop version. That said, I will most likely create a link specifically for HDTV. You can use this on your firetv or other similar device. My firetv gave up the ghost recently after about 10 years. Currently I am using a "tablet" that runs windows 10 and has hdmi out. I use this equipment for my media center as well. All functionality is accessible through use of a Logitech Harmony Hub and Remote. I also use this system to control my Lights, Television, Cable Box, etc, etc. Probably more than most needed to know.
  13. In the process of resizing forecast maps so that they fit on HDTV without scrolling. I figured out how to show national view without squashing the entire map.
  14. 18hr Forecast Multiple Models (animated).... https://kaosfactory.github.io/WX_APP_forecast.html#4/40.91/-79.4
  15. NAM... https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/fmap2.html?lat=39.1242298,-76.5374528
  16. GFS... https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/fmap.html?lat=39.1242298,-76.5374528
  17. HRRR... https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/fmap3.html?lat=39.1242536,-76.5374943
  18. I need to know the rate of speed in order to process this information.
  19. https://kaosfactory.github.io/wxblox/fmap.html?lat=39.1242536,-76.5374943
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