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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. We have recently added a new bar and lounge to the Redemption Room.
  2. This just in from the Snow Miser Future Forecast Center...
  3. Imagine a world beyond purples....
  4. I wanted to take a moment and remind everyone of the possibilities moving forward. Please welcome our special guest....
  5. Fear not... you too, shall be redeemed.
  6. 41 fun loving degrees here. Just remember, there is always time in the season for redemption.
  7. In attempt to remain proactive, we are currently looking into offering the following programs and courses. - The Friendly Mountains: How CAD is your friend - Model Waffling: How to pick the best IMBY model - Creating your own Cold Air: Precipitation rates and how they effect the Column - Coping with White Rain: Justifying the need for White Rain Events - Ground Temps: Dispelling myths regarding Car Tire Heat - Radar Hallucinations: Are they Real? - Virga with Benefits: Advancing your relationship with Virga This is just a small sampling. We would appreciate any feedback and/or suggestions.
  8. Here is a Preview... Obviously, changing the number on a clock doesn’t actually add any time onto our days. That point was eloquently made in this old joke: When told the reason for daylight savings time the Old Indian said, “Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”
  9. It has come to my attention that there are those who are hoping to sow seeds of despair by pointing out days will be getting longer in the not so distance future. Fear not my friends. This will only provide the opportunity to watch the copious amounts of snow we surely shall receive this winter season during the daylight hours. This will be followed by the Daylight Savings Time conspiracy hoax later in the year. Don't take the bait. We will be offering a program to address these issues as well.
  10. When facing an unknown future, hope is as reasonable as despair. Do not be swayed by those who offer trinkets of despair in exchange for hope.
  11. Here we shall celebrate all victories... as small as they may be.
  12. We will be offering several counseling programs in the near future. As an example....The Eclipse Program. Here we deal with anxiety as it relates to sun angle, etc.
  13. Welcome to the Redemption Room. Dedicated to saving the lives of weenies who are considering jumping off the cliff.
  14. We all know there will be jumpers. Especially if those to the north and west manage to stay frozen while members 50 miles south experience nothing but cold rain . That said, your statement should serve as a PSA. Thank you.
  15. I predict this will end in an uptick in reapings . Congratz WxWatcher007 .
  16. Not a good sign when the reaper shows up in the thread. Trolling for early season customers?
  17. I read this as "You might as well have just posted a picture of a big turd".
  18. Saw this on Wunderground this morning... If this were true, it would be the ultimate redemption.
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