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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. If all this garbage keeps piling up around here... we are going wind up having a ratt problem.
  2. So do I... probably the only powder I will see.
  3. This works for the time being...
  4. This after he personally attacks people with the Dang Fool comment. Seems hypocritical to me.
  5. Ketchup is under the bun...
  6. I found a pickle for my nothing burger...
  7. If this run of the Para verfies. I WILL change my username to Dang Fool!
  8. Guess I am a dang fool then. In the Severna Park/Pasadena area every storm this year has underperformed with either hours of pixie dust amounting to virtually nothing or a slop mess with little accumulation. I expect the same thing again for my backyard. Heck, I might change my username to Dang Fool... for wasting my time chasing what amounts to crap. Note: Originally posted this in the main thread by mistake. I have deleted it and moved it here.
  9. In less than 15 minutes this is already turning into a sh*tshow.
  10. Stormtracker thread ftw!!! Bring it home.
  11. Seriously need to compile a weenie handbook. This place is out of control. Understandably to some degree... due to lack of something that resembles winter over the last several years.
  12. This never happens to me because my co-workers aren't completely cray cray... mostly.
  13. It's a trap!!! Maybe next time Reaper.
  14. Welcome to the Home of Cold Rain! We rock!!! Can't wait for the drought this summer... we overperform in that arena as well.
  15. FFS... it is raining its ass off here (official observation). It seems whenever there is cold air in place we get 48-72 hours of pixie dust. Hate to sound like deb... but looking out the window is a disaster. Make it stop!!!
  16. I prefer beer in my beer. Very few that I like that have things other than beer in them.
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