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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. Totally get that with the russian roulette and all.
  2. Ever dance with the Devil in the Pale Moon Light?
  3. Alrighty then... 20+ years? (I lost count) on these boards including eastern and I am finally forced to block someone. I can not listen to this sillyness any longer.
  4. Don't f*ck with weather dons.
  5. This could possibly be my new sig... "i’m sorry i don’t remember. and please don’t shoot me in my face."
  6. I'm thinking a little later... like July. Which is approximately the time of the proposed weather board picnic?
  7. In a parking lot? Is this some kind of weather board shake down? This place is like the Soprano's weather forum at times. Very strange.
  8. Disappointing because I am still waiting for the Kielbasa and Weenies to fall from the the sky during the last storm.
  9. This 1000%... not saying that to pick sides or kiss ass. I don't come here for politics. As a matter of fact, politics is the LAST thing I want to discuss or read about here.
  10. Regardless, I have a winter storm warning which guarantees I get more snow than modeled. These warnings alone have been known to add several inches to what has been shown on the models. Good luck my friend and may you not be fringed.
  11. I liked it better when we were talking about beer, crabs and fishing. Not to mention the picnic. Were did this all go wrong?
  12. The claw is real! I have updated the map accordingly.
  13. Anyway it seems the claw is growing when compared to my last claw map...
  14. 31/12 Pasadena Dewpoint up by 2.
  15. Neither am I, as I have said before... I like beer in my beer. But now I am slightly intrigued.
  16. How da f*ck you post in the main thread if you have been reaped? The Reaper needs to get his peeps under control.
  17. Of course you don't care about totals... you have already been reaped. My benchmark is 4+ (snow only)... otherwise I may be joining you. Judging by today's models I think it is doable.
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