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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. Where did the snow bus go? Is there no longer a bus? Was it retired? I miss the bus.
  2. Close to calling this the buh bye storm. I am a Total Bastard.
  3. Everyone's favorite... Bombcyclone.
  4. I will be adding "ye 'ole skip-da-malooo" to my weather thesaurus.
  5. So less tail is better? Only as it relates to weather.
  6. Also, there is this picture... Apparently the reaper is enjoying his retirement.
  7. I don't know? I think some users need to be reaped should they choose that path. Also, the reaper became more lenient with his reapings as he progressed towards his retirement. Dare I say...we need a new reaper? No disrespect to the old reaper... those will be hard shoes to fill.
  8. I have a geographical map that everyone seems to love. Maybe I should not post that again.
  9. True... I didn't take the time to find the most accurate map.
  10. Really don't understand the confusion. I thought this was the mid-atlantic forum... not the lower mid-atlantic forum. Maybe it is just me? Judging from the models and climo I would say that the vast majority of people in the mid-atlantic forum will not see much... if anything. Hence my comment "grasping at straws".
  11. My house looks crazy similar to this.... The actual house.
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