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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. ffs... you people (self included) should seek counseling.
  2. Possibly more than we will see this winter.
  3. I can look to the west and see clearing skies while listening to rumbles of thunder over the bay. Fail.
  4. I am in Pasadena and this was laughable... More like 8 mph winds and .008 precip.
  5. I swear this looks like the typical split for me... just like winter. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  6. Please send here... thanks in advance. Frequent thunder in the distance.. both east and west, though predominately over the bay (east).
  7. I feel your pain. If I don't have snowhole... I have rainhole. This place is an a-hole... a literal black hole of precipitation.
  8. Got enough rain to remove the fire hazard signs from my lawn.
  9. I was going to say you are probably low on refrigerant, but didn't want to clutter up the thread with more banter. If the first tech, who said everything was ok, did not break out gauges (connected to the outside unit) then he would never know if everything is "ok". That said, the lack performance of the unit should have been a red flag to that tech. Also, you should NEVER be low on refrigerant because it is a closed system. Low refrigerant = Leak (as you now know). It sounds like you are now on a path to having A/C that works properly. You should back charge the previous tech. Obs... Decent amount of wind prior to rain. Not sure on rain totals but not anything incredible. Almost no thunder or lighting. Though I can here some thunder in the distance. Per the norm... I see the the pasadena rain hole developing in the pic above. Not only do I get to enjoy a precip hole during the winter... but also the summer. I need to move.
  10. I prefer my cold rain a little cooler. 32 and cold rain is my fav.
  11. Do you have an attic fan? Perhaps that would help. Here is a link explaining some of what I was talking about and this example actually shows the air handler in the attic. https://georgebrazilhvac.com/blog/what-temperature-should-my-central-air-conditioner-be-putting-out Keep in mind the 20 degree Delta T is just rule of thumb. That said, it seems you have a problem. 68 degree supply air is not going to cool the house sufficiently (upstairs). At least that is my experience.
  12. Yeah... like that upstairs unit is doing next to nothing. I would want to see a minimum delta of 15F between return and supply. Is your air filter clean? That can make a huge difference. A dirty air filter can also cause the indoor coil to freeze, at which point it is doing virtually nothing.
  13. I am literally in that envelop of no precip. I watched this occur as I can see the storm over the bay from my house.
  14. The delta between return air wet bulb and supply air is going to be around 20F. That is about the best you can do. So if the air coming out is 68F then I would suspect that your indoor ambient air temp is about 88F.
  15. Depends on your location. I have watched many storms disintegrate as they approach my area. In my location, it has been desert-like conditions. I am watering 17 year old shrubberies (obviously established) in order to prevent them from dying. Fortunately we received some rain overnight (finally). I have a half acre of property that I maintain. I will put it this way... I won't wash my vehicles prior to cutting my lawn due to the dust storm it creates. YMMV.
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