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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. Radar is starting to show some storms firing to our north west.
  2. It is an old school TWC emulator. I have it set up locally on my home network using IIS. That said, I'd rather not make my local network public. But here is a some public stuff you can try... battaglia.ddns.net/twc There is a problem with that site. Only the main locations work. For example, Baltimore City works but Pasadena does not. This is due to some bad wind data which cause the script to stall. I have told the guy that hosts the site, though I don't think he fixed it yet. I believe he may be looking for some more info from me. I know what the problem is because my server works on the localized sites. It is a windows based server. Here is another that is very similar. It is linux based (no music/smooth jazz). weatherstar.netbymatt.com I also run a version of it locally on my linux server. Here is one that I run locally on IIS, but also have a public version on github. https://kaosfactor.github.io/ It defaults to Pasadena, but you can change the location if you like. It is based off of the intellistar (newer) hardware. Where as the others are weatherstar based. Please note the the radar is only for our region in this version. That version uses low-rez radar. I use it it with my Fire TV. The Fire TV chokes on the hi-rez version. And finally, another version from me. This one defaults to DC and uses hi-rez multi-location radar. https://k-a-0-s.github.io/ Here is some info regarding the hardware... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WeatherStar Hope that answers your questions.
  3. It appears as if we are experiencing yet another rare wind event.
  4. I know it may be hard to believe.... but it is windy.
  5. The rain needs to stop. Enough already. But this is typical... rain when we don't need it. No worries this summer is sure to be a drought-fest (when we really will need the rain). I want to move so bad.
  6. Thunder in February... totally normal.
  7. Somehow this reminds me of the claw storm.... Kinda, sorta, maybe not? I just wanted to post a claw. I apologize in advance.
  8. It is rockin!!! Heaviest snow of the day.
  9. Flakes are getting chunky. I like chunky flakes from time to time.
  10. I was shoveling snow... I missed it. Give me a break.
  11. Probably missed that earlier. Surprised to see 4-6". TBH.
  12. URGENT - WINTER WEATHER MESSAGE National Weather Service Baltimore MD/Washington DC 1028 PM EST Mon Jan 15 2024 DCZ001-MDZ013-014-503>506-VAZ040-053-054-501-505>507-526-161130- /O.UPG.KLWX.WW.Y.0007.000000T0000Z-240116T1200Z/ /O.EXA.KLWX.WS.W.0004.000000T0000Z-240116T1500Z/ District of Columbia-Prince Georges-Anne Arundel- Northwest Montgomery-Central and Southeast Montgomery- Northwest Howard-Central and Southeast Howard-Rappahannock- Fairfax-Arlington/Falls Church/Alexandria-Northern Fauquier- Western Loudoun-Eastern Loudoun-Northern Virginia Blue Ridge- Northwest Prince William- 1028 PM EST Mon Jan 15 2024 ...WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EST TUESDAY... * WHAT...Heavy snow, possibly changing to light freezing rain or freezing drizzle along the Interstate 95 corridor toward morning. Total snow accumulation of 4 to 6 inches and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Portions of central Maryland, The District of Columbia and northern Virginia. * WHEN...Until 10 AM EST Tuesday. * IMPACTS...Plan on slippery road conditions. The hazardous conditions could impact the Tuesday morning commute. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Moderate to heavy snow this evening and overnight may produce snow of one half to one inch per hour and reduce visibility to one half mile or less at times. Snow intensity will taper off toward morning. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... If you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water in your vehicle in case of an emergency. When venturing outside, watch your first few steps taken on steps, sidewalks, and driveways, which could be icy and slippery, increasing your risk of a fall and injury.
  13. Bring it home. I would say we had a little over 4 inches in Pasadena (21122). After compaction and sun angle...closer to 3 inches, more or less.
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