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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. There are now 6 versions including the FireTV version. I don't foresee a need for anymore. Consequently, I will be working on fine tuning things and addressing any bugs that may exist. All versions, with exception of the Desktop and FireTV version, are intended to run on a mobile phone using landscape view. It is also recommended to run links as web apps. This will remove the address bar, etc. to free up valuable screen real estate. That can be done by selecting "Add to Home screen" from Chrome based browsers. Firefox has a similiar feature as well. But I suggest using a chrome based browser. I use Brave. The following post has been updated to include changes...
  2. There are numerous buttons placed throughout all versions allowing for navigation between the emulator and other html pages.
  3. Similar functionality with the alerts/warnings map as well... Buttons are also animated.
  4. This is the result... The IntelliSTAR button will take you back to the emulation.
  5. Here is an example of a link/button to local NWS geo-specific hi-rez radar used in the mobile version. Press on local radar button to view location specific radar.
  6. I am dying... waiting on A/C parts. This is BRUTAL!!!! 95F at 5pm. 50% humidity. HI... 950F (inside of house)
  7. At this point I think all versions should be working properly (This project is fluid and there will be times when functionality will change/break.) Link for mobile version discussed in the post above. https://k-a-0-s.github.io/mobile.html
  8. New mobile version in development. Uses National Radar for both Radar Animations in emulator. FYI... there are two radars "slides" available in the emulator. When there are no NWS alerts/warnings, then only one radar slide is shown. If there are any Alerts/Warnings, then a second radar slide is presented. In the desktop version it is a location based, zoomed version of your regional radar (following the original TWC protocol for intellistar). The mobile version will show national radar and nws national warnings. Geo-specific maps are available from within the emulator. This moves some of the resource intensive NWS map functions to a seperate screen outside of the emulator.
  9. mobile lite version https://k-a-0-s.github.io/mobilelite.html (no radar in emulation. geographical hi-rez radar available by Tap/Click on city name from within emulator.)
  10. I updated everything and added some features. Updated links and instructions are at the beginning of this thread. Also you can now click on the AmericanWX image and the links will take you to those locations.
  11. I thought it was obvious. All you have to do is click the link. Example: https://k-a-0-s.github.io/ (Hi-Rez Mobile Version) https://k-a-0-s.github.io/ <-- Click the link for old school weather bliss. Like magic.
  12. I will try to make it easy and add/edit links to this reply. TBC... you just click on link from any web browser. Already hosted, etc. Just click link. My FireTV Mid_Atlantic link.... https://kaosfactor.github.io/ Hi-Rez mobile https://k-a-0-s.github.io/ Low-Rez mobile (mid-atlantic specific version) https://k-a-0-s.github.io/midatl.html Desktop https://k-a-0-s.github.io/desktop.html Note: Clear browser cache if you have previously used any of these the links. Repositories.. https://github.com/K-A-0-S/K-A-0-S.github.io https://github.com/kaosfactor/kaosfactor.github.io
  13. Note: Zoom to location only works only when initially fully zoomed out (Default for NWS Fullscreen Radar option in Configuration Menu)
  14. Good to hear you are enjoying it. The IntelliSTAR is already hosted and operational. And yes, you can download the files from github and run it locally. I will be posting some instructions in a bit and will provide all current links. The WeatherStar 4000+ files are on github. I do not have it hosted publicly. Though you can download the files and set it up yourself. There are instructions. It is not what I would call "easy" to install. The IntelliSTAR is far easier. YMMV
  15. This is possibly the most incoherent thread ever.
  16. This should work (landscape fullscreen geo radar option) click background image. https://k-a-0-s.github.io/ (HQ Mobile) https://k-a-0-s.github.io/midatl.html (LQ Mobile)
  17. updated files... index.html georadar.html MainScript.js MainRadar.js Radar.js WeatherFetching.js style.css (root directory) I know I am forgetting something. Need to transfer this from local to server use. Edit: change local addresses to https://k-a-0-s.github.io/
  18. It is a pile of poo (technical term)... severe fail.
  19. Hello... https://kaosfactor.github.io/screenshots/R_U_ready.mp4
  20. Anyway... the difference is significant from a practical standpoint. I am probably going to remove the zip code/airport menu from the nws fullscreen menu configuration link in some instances. There is not much need in that you can just tap or click any location on the map, in full screen mode, and it will zoom into that location automatically. From this... To this... Just by tapping or clicking on the screen. You can also zoom, pan, etc. on both mobile and desktop. Also created some default options relating to radar opacity, warnings, etc. Warnings will not be shown upon clicking on a location as it obstructs the radar too much. The default behavior on the nws site is to show warnings upon clicking a location.
  21. Markup (red border) of "wasted" space. Why? At least scale it down.... if nothing else.
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