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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. Appended to radar.js .... scheduleTimeline(); mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYmxhcmsiLCJhIjoiY2plaGZmaGR1MGZ3cTJ3bzZ6OHp5OGZzYyJ9.5dVrsWJk208YPShD-0HLsQ'; var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11', "center": [longitude, latitude], zoom: 5 // Initial zoom }); }
  2. I never stop... I think I can, I think I can...
  3. Got it to pass the long lat data to new map api.... Obviously it is messed up... but at least the geo stuff works.
  4. Amazingly... I got rain.
  5. It going to eat Romney.
  6. The level of zoom is ridiculous...
  7. Now just need to pass the location information from the emulator to the map. Will be easy... after the gazillionth attempt. I am sure.
  8. Yep... same here more or less. I turned it up to 75F. Meaning it will cool to 74F and then turn on once again at 76F.
  9. Storms... https://k-a-0-s.github.io/geomapbox/storms.htm
  10. Map with terrain... https://k-a-0-s.github.io/geomapbox/terrain.htm
  11. Going to make one for alerts as well... https://k-a-0-s.github.io/geomapbox/alerts.htm
  12. Link to Radar... https://k-a-0-s.github.io/geomapbox/mapbox.htm
  13. You spelled lazer beam wrong.
  14. I literally got 10 rain drops. Monthly total... 256 rain drops. Just going to collect the condensation from my beverage in the rain gauge at this point.
  15. Awesome... And now it will blow up over the bay... I already hear the thunder to my east.
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