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Everything posted by KAOS

  1. Can I add an animated background? Of course. But depends on hardware/connection. Let's try... I predict fail. Edit: Failed. Though at some point this will happen for desktop/workstation versions.
  2. Most of the "development" stuff is out of the way... next I will make some "clean" versions.
  3. Gusty winds. A leaf blew off my tree. 16 rain drops in the bucket!!! This is awesome.
  4. Now it works... https://k-a-0-s.github.io/airports.html
  5. Do not underestimate that which has not been underestimated.
  6. Light rain thus far... just enough to make outside chores more cumbersome. Blobs are on my doorstep.
  7. Both airports and zip codes are live. Added radar and warning to airport map. Both are accessible from the configuration menu by clicking on the "Airport" or "Postal" text.
  8. Zip Code map live... https://k-a-0-s.github.io/zipcodes.htm
  9. Also adding Airport map... For all the airport codes.
  10. Should be helpful when entering zip codes into the emulator's config menu. Will be accessible by clicking Zip Code text in the menu.
  11. New Zip Code Map.... Hover over location for zip code. Obviously includes radar and warnings.
  12. Incoming.... Update to increase radar animation loop to 3 hours from within emulator.... const frameCount = 10; // total intervals const startMinutes = -180; // start time offset relative to now, where negative means past const endMinutes = 0; It was 30 minutes.
  13. Welcome to the Grand illusion.
  14. I will try to encapsulate... best no charge ad free weather app disguised as an emulator.
  15. If this doesn't work out for most... then you are doomed. JMO.
  16. Sound is done and updated on the site. I am fast.
  17. Yeah. Gotta a feeling quite a few of us will be seeing rain this evening.
  18. And yet another idea... The audio files are high quality and stereo. Don't think we need stereo audio for mobile. The sound files are currently around 10mb per file, plus the intro sound which is 1mb. Good thing I also happen to be a sound engineer.
  19. Also... if you click the link above, it takes you to the NWS json file from which the data is extracted. Which looks something like this.... { "@context": [ "https://geojson.org/geojson-ld/geojson-context.jsonld", { "@version": "1.1", "wx": "https://api.weather.gov/ontology#", "@vocab": "https://api.weather.gov/ontology#" } ], "id": "https://api.weather.gov/alerts/urn:oid:", "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -78.450000000000003, 39.390000000000001 ], [ -78.5, 39.450000000000003 ], [ -78.2099999, 39.720000000000006 ], [ -78.060000000000002, 39.530000000000008 ], [ -78.450000000000003, 39.390000000000001 ] ] ] }, "properties": { "@id": "https://api.weather.gov/alerts/urn:oid:", "@type": "wx:Alert", "id": "urn:oid:", "areaDesc": "Washington, MD; Frederick, VA; Berkeley, WV; Hampshire, WV; Morgan, WV", "geocode": { "SAME": [ "024043", "051069", "054003", "054027", "054065" ], "UGC": [ "MDC043", "VAC069", "WVC003", "WVC027", "WVC065" ] }, "affectedZones": [ "https://api.weather.gov/zones/county/MDC043", "https://api.weather.gov/zones/county/VAC069", "https://api.weather.gov/zones/county/WVC003", "https://api.weather.gov/zones/county/WVC027", "https://api.weather.gov/zones/county/WVC065" ], "references": [], "sent": "2024-08-03T13:47:00-04:00", "effective": "2024-08-03T13:47:00-04:00", "onset": "2024-08-03T13:47:00-04:00", "expires": "2024-08-03T14:30:00-04:00", "ends": "2024-08-03T14:30:00-04:00", "status": "Actual", "messageType": "Alert", "category": "Met", "severity": "Severe", "certainty": "Observed", "urgency": "Immediate", "event": "Severe Thunderstorm Warning", "sender": "[email protected]", "senderName": "NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC", "headline": "Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued August 3 at 1:47PM EDT until August 3 at 2:30PM EDT by NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DC", "description": "SVRLWX\n\nThe National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a\n\n* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...\nNorthwestern Washington County in north central Maryland...\nNorthern Frederick County in northwestern Virginia...\nMorgan County in the Panhandle of West Virginia...\nNorthwestern Berkeley County in the Panhandle of West Virginia...\nNortheastern Hampshire County in eastern West Virginia...\n\n* Until 230 PM EDT.\n\n* At 146 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Paw Paw,\nmoving northeast at 25 mph.\n\nHAZARD...60 mph wind gusts.\n\nSOURCE...Radar indicated.\n\nIMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches\nto fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as\ndamage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by\ndowned trees. Localized power outages are possible.\nUnsecured light objects may become projectiles.\n\n* Locations impacted include...\nHancock, Berkeley Springs, Great Cacapon, Johnsons Mill, Omps,\nValley View, Fishers Bridge, Spohrs Crossroads, Oakland, Rock Gap,\nStotlers Crossroads, Highland Ridge, Largent, Smith Crossroads,\nBerryville, New Hope, Shady Grove, and Ridge.", "instruction": "For your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of a\nbuilding.\n\nLarge hail, damaging wind, and continuous cloud to ground lightning\nare occurring with this storm. Move indoors immediately. Lightning is\none of nature's leading killers. Remember, if you can hear thunder,\nyou are close enough to be struck by lightning.", "response": "Shelter", "parameters": { "AWIPSidentifier": [ "SVRLWX" ], "WMOidentifier": [ "WUUS51 KLWX 031747" ], "eventMotionDescription": [ "2024-08-03T17:46:00-00:00...storm...238DEG...22KT...39.46,-78.41" ], "windThreat": [ "RADAR INDICATED" ], "maxWindGust": [ "60 MPH" ], "hailThreat": [ "RADAR INDICATED" ], "maxHailSize": [ "Up to .75" ], "BLOCKCHANNEL": [ "EAS", "NWEM", "CMAS" ], "EAS-ORG": [ "WXR" ], "VTEC": [ "/O.NEW.KLWX.SV.W.0212.240803T1747Z-240803T1830Z/" ], "eventEndingTime": [ "2024-08-03T18:30:00+00:00" ] }, "replacedBy": "https://api.weather.gov/alerts/urn:oid:", "replacedAt": "2024-08-03T14:10:00-04:00" } }
  20. Copy/paste from the Alerts Radar.... Severe Thunderstorm Warning issued August 3 at 1:47PM EDT until August 3 at 2:30PM EDT by NWS Baltimore MD/Washington DCSVRLWX The National Weather Service in Sterling Virginia has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Washington County in north central Maryland... Northern Frederick County in northwestern Virginia... Morgan County in the Panhandle of West Virginia... Northwestern Berkeley County in the Panhandle of West Virginia... Northeastern Hampshire County in eastern West Virginia... * Until 230 PM EDT. * At 146 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Paw Paw, moving northeast at 25 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damaging winds will cause some trees and large branches to fall. This could injure those outdoors, as well as damage homes and vehicles. Roadways may become blocked by downed trees. Localized power outages are possible. Unsecured light objects may become projectiles. * Locations impacted include... Hancock, Berkeley Springs, Great Cacapon, Johnsons Mill, Omps, Valley View, Fishers Bridge, Spohrs Crossroads, Oakland, Rock Gap, Stotlers Crossroads, Highland Ridge, Largent, Smith Crossroads, Berryville, New Hope, Shady Grove, and Ridge.
  21. Glad you like it. Everything should now be working at this link.... https://k-a-0-s.github.io/mobile.html Still need to do some tweaks... but that should be 95% there.
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