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Everything posted by rimetree

  1. Watching daughter and friend skating at Puddle Dock rink in PSM. Pretty comfortable sitting outside with a couple layers on. At least skating conditions have been good with the lack of snow. Gonna be a mess here tomorrow. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  2. This rain can't end soon enough. My basement sump can't handle any more work this season. Hopefully we transition to more frozen vs. wet over the next few weeks.
  3. Grew up skiing Saddleback from the 80's to early 90's. Hope they can pull it off. Would be great to bring my daughter there some day.
  4. I have a distinct memory of a report on NBC nightly news from some time in the 80s where they said Mount Washington recorded a wind chill of -200. I'd have to think the -107 is more likely but maybe I'll try to find it in the archives somewhere.
  5. I'm afraid if I go snow blow now that band just to the west is going to drop another 6 before morning. Seems like it wants to slowly come east. 30F, light-mod snow
  6. Starting to feel effects of that band pivoting in from offshore. Down to 29F
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