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Everything posted by rimetree

  1. Are you on Sable Island year-round? Must get some pretty wild stuff out there....would be nice to spend a week out there in winter.
  2. A good read about Argentine thunderstorms. @weatherwiz might consider chasing down there some time... https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/07/22/magazine/worst-storms-argentina.html?action=click&module=Editors Picks&pgtype=Homepage
  3. Hot day working in the yard. But I have to say, coming into the house with the new AC system was pretty nice. The best part is that it's mostly imperceptible since it runs so quietly but gets the job done. The indoor wall units will eventually just become part of the background but the first couple days they looked a little awkward given that our rooms are fairly small. Glad we made the investment.
  4. Some early thunder here tomorrow on the NAM?
  5. 61/55. Got our new mini-split AC installed today. Funny that it fell on a day when we had no need for it at all. Will give it a good test this weekend.
  6. Some of these hail stones are dime-sized...can't remember seeing anything like that before.
  7. Pea-sized hail now...intense storm!
  8. About to really rock here...been a while since I've seen a cloud this dark
  9. No reports of a fireball/bolide in New England per this site... https://fireball.amsmeteors.org/members/imo_view/browse_reports?event=PEN NASA actually tracks these events although data only goes to 7/6: https://neo-bolide.ndc.nasa.gov/#/
  10. Woke to the sound of heavy rain around 2AM and checked radar to see a decent swirl coming in from the SE. Lawn and garden appreciate it. Morning winds and fast moving clouds were the most interesting aspect relative to our typical July weather.
  11. I wonder if the pattern we're entering persists in one form or another into the August-September time frame. Return of troughiness in the Midwest/GL like we're seeing this week could make for an interesting season. If you look at the track of Hurricane Bob, it's very similar to model output for 98L, and was also influenced by a Great Lakes trough. We'll see.
  12. Minisplit AC install next Wednesday. Looks like timing will work out although aweek earlier might have been better from the sound of it.
  13. Pretty blah out there now with clouds and 70F. Thought today would have ended up the better day this weekend.
  14. Downpours training in from the ocean for a while now...wish I had a decent rain gauge...piling up fast out there
  15. Spoke in the wheel formed to the southeast and rotated in...been pouring for about an hour now. Looks to continue but please no basement flooding.
  16. 67, breezy and cloudy. Seems like we're the pivot point of this thing...nothing of consequence since a brief downpour yesterday afternoon.
  17. Maybe not totally surprising the NNE is getting the big heat when northern Siberia is putting up 100s.
  18. 68F and looks like the ocean is trying to reassert itself with clouds starting to fill in .
  19. Things are popping up to my north .
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