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Everything posted by rimetree

  1. Damn, sump pump getting a workout later tomorrow.
  2. Quietly picked up another .25 this morning...now up to 3.6 MTD. Gulf of ME probably knocked down those cells by the time they got here. 64/59 beautiful morning.
  3. Missed the action today but could get an early wake up tomorrow morning by the looks of things.
  4. I was curious. Through the end of June at Concord... Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Season 2021 1.89 2.72 1.45 2.86 2.99 1.29 13.2 1938 3.94 2.11 2.07 2.18 3.11 5.12 18.53 At Blue Hill... Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Season 2021 2.32 5.68 2.17 4.89 5.6 2.2 22.86 1938 3.79 3.14 2.45 2.69 4.96 9.03 26.06 Certainly comparable though '38 was wetter. July and August of '38 added 10 more inches at Concord and 15 more at Blue Hill. That's a lot of rain.
  5. Sheet drizzle and 58F. 3.3" for the month so far.
  6. Quite the July 2 weather. Midnight high of 67 but haven't been above 60 since 5AM.
  7. Already more rain in July (1.77) than all of June (1.52). Pattern having an identity crisis. July will probably blow on average and August will be perfect.
  8. Pretty meh with the storms here today. Only 0.19 so far. Nice to have the rain and cool down though. Past three days, strangely enough, all came in at 97.3F exactly...Mon, Tues and Wednesday. Weird.
  9. 96/76. Glad we did the mini-split install last summer.
  10. My Davis hit 97 for the high today. Still 84/75 now.
  11. Felt kinda brisk earlier with the sea breeze. 60/53 Guess I'll be wishing for this next week.
  12. Many times I'll see reds and oranges approaching from Manchester/Concord and think, hey, looks good. Then they get close and fizzle out, or better yet, split off into southern ME and NE MA. I think our better storm time is mid-July into August.
  13. 78/68 at 11pm. High of 95 today.
  14. 2.73" in the Davis Friday to today. It's high compared to CoCoRas sites but similar to other PWS stations near me.
  15. 1.3" on the day. Haven't been above 50F since Friday evening. Would have been nice to set up the pool but alas.
  16. Very sad news. Seemed like a genuinely good soul. I was always envious of his location out there on the elbow getting into some nice storms. RIP James.
  17. Wednesday evening looks like best chance for more widespread storms coming up
  18. Dryness keeping the mosquitoes from going wild right now which is fine by me. Unfortunately, this won't last forever. High of 69 today with the ocean influence.
  19. 44F for the low and already 73F. What a stretch coming up.
  20. Let me introduce you... https://www.badlabbeer.com
  21. Classic nor'easters have been scarce past few years. Another sub-par winter here...43 inches on the season. I have doubts about the May bomb on the GFS but would be a fitting start to warm season...we'll end up locking this in for the entire summer:
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