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Everything posted by Ji

  1. i thought this was the first time this season we have had this pattern
  2. dosent have a bias of being too weak in the southern jet?
  3. maybe that stream interaction helped because its actually west of 12z...just a weak ass storm
  4. seems like there is more interecation though between the streams
  5. if our americanwx forum was stationed in Tidewater---would you be doing your nervous posts like you usually do before a big storm of what can go wrong? or are you giving high5s?
  6. Nam 3k looks like Nam at 60
  7. There is a good chance that it is a rug pull. However, how many times have we ignored it when it shows something unfair unfavorable because we said oh it’s the long range nam and it ends up being correct
  8. If the Nam showed this and turned our snow into a rainstorm which it’s done many a time we would be in a panic
  9. Can’t hate a low in central nc lol
  10. What do you want to see. They suck
  11. Relying on the 18z Nam to save 2 weeks worth of tracking this window =any redskins kicker
  12. Nam seems stronger with Southen piece. Isn’t 48 hours it’s wheelhouse
  13. Don’t see much of a change so far but it seems minuscule changes can have a big impact
  14. Yep. We can’t get to a point where a 150 mile shift north or west does nothing for us
  15. We need to go up 1-0 in this thread. Hopefully the N a.m. can deliver.
  16. Without modeling the window that produced these great digital storms on paper would not have been recognized
  17. the NAM every once in a while is known to pick up things--so lets hope its seeing something that can be salvaged
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