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Everything posted by Ji

  1. Mix line closer to cape…low more tucked in
  2. i havent seen any model show what the gfs is showing lol
  3. there is a real chance that we score on every drive lol. Same with them
  4. i have a feeling the euro is going to do something dumb tonight and just destroy everything that we thought would happen for next week
  5. dont look at the Canadian for storm 2
  6. he is going to be in prime time like 8 times next year. All we need to do is have 16 play 90 yard drives...score every drive and keep them off the field. Hope Goff has a game like he did vs Houston
  7. just too much interference between the 2 streams
  8. starting to thing 2 is not going to happen.
  9. this hurts the rams way more than philly.
  10. good question....life just feels so much better under a Warning. Until the storm starts. Id probably take the warning because we would of had much more pre storm fun which is 90% of my storm enjoyment
  11. there is zero chance the GFS or Euro will be RGEM like. My bigger fear is too weak/south/east
  12. yea...we used to divide the QPF by 2 right before a storm..why did we stop doing that?
  13. so you finally found a model you like?
  14. post the snowiest maps please thats more like it
  15. yea thats not a 2-4 map. thats a 1-3 map smh
  16. im glad we have a few over amped models. if we can get a compromise--we could be looking at 3-6 event if everything broke right.
  17. I mean, would you buy a Canadian car or a German car first?
  18. Looking at rgem and nam in the range seems silly
  19. yes. When i was a kid--it was always the N and W suburbs. Looks like you were well prepared for the South and East climate shift! looking forward to seeing pics of your winter cabin again
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