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Everything posted by Ji

  1. Just a disastrous day of modeling for the dc metro area
  2. Just what I wanted to read
  3. Means were still not getting snow
  4. 0nly hope now is a 75 mile model error. We basically made no progress today
  5. Often a north trend at the last minute send up trending south at last second
  6. Weve made no progress day if your in northern virginia points north
  7. You guy do realize that not one legit model gives us precip right? Even with all the north trends today
  8. Why do people keep posting maps that came out hours ago?
  9. maybe the Canadien model people handle the northern stream better?
  10. you have no idea how bad i want richmond to fail for this storm
  11. should we just assume a typical model 50 mile error bias?
  12. HRDRPS stuck at 30 but it looks interesting
  13. thats about the 5th time this storm ive seen someone post an old map...come on guys
  14. Check out the gfs next weekend. We just need some more confluence!
  15. Lol the models have gotten too good. We haven't seen a shift in 4 days since we lost our 1-2 feet smh
  16. As jb says....until all the players are out on the field
  17. Wont be till 0z till big changes
  18. its due baby. maybe its the first global to pick up on the new trend
  19. its been the most south and east model this entire storm.....
  20. You know whats going to happen. Its going to inch 30 miles North every run till about 18z on Saturday.....then at 00z, it will go south 100 miles
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