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Everything posted by Ji

  1. You may be done. Leesburg in big trouble lol
  2. Radar and hrrr look awful for us. Gonna be a frustrating day
  3. It's in its wheelhouse. Storm started 6 hours ago
  4. If the nam cant be right after the storm starts.....when can it be right?
  5. we need this event to end man.....its taking away our opportunity to talk future digital snow
  6. @psuhoffman busted...he said the pattern change would be 1/15 to 1/20. He is 3 days too late:)
  7. .75 for euro is good man cause usually it's like marcus dry lol
  8. If its half the nam...then we know nam is onto something.euro not going from 7 to 16 in one run on day of storm lol
  9. Wes on FB thinks this should be a 5-10 inch forecast now i think(if i read it right)
  10. even the 3k has gone up alot since 00z and to me anyway...it runs really dry
  11. i mean i would normally laugh at the NAM this is happening on Game day. You probably dont remember but it was the first model to pick up getting a foot the night of our Feb 2014 storm(the storm where we got 18 inches) and Cape cried..i mean we are literally in its wheel house lol and all 6z models increased qpf
  12. 6z euro takes most of us out of the dreaded green into the magic blue
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