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About grambo

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  • Location:
    Grand Isle, VT

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  1. Well said- thank you for the perspective.
  2. I’m right there with ya. It’s the real fuckin’ deal. I don’t appreciate posts about people’s lives (literally or figuratively) being washed away/ potentially washed away, either. It’s like a comic making jokes about another mass shooting or something. It’s a type of humor that might be absurdly healing in some weird way after a one off tragedy (timing is everything, mind you). If the tragedy keeps happening… well… I’m at a loss for words and the jokes earn well deserved disdain on my end. Nevertheless, hope we can find the strength to be there for each other.
  3. To get a bit meta: I generally lurk and sometimes contribute… but it’s like we ran out of steam (no pun intended?) on July 11th when we (at the least) here in VT and the greater NNE area woke up to *yet* another flooding event. I just found it poignant, for me, that this thread seemingly went radio silent on the night of July 10th. Hope everyone is doing OK!
  4. Had a suspected microburst roll through Colchester, VT yesterday. I was up in Grand Isle taking care of the parent’s yard and could see a major storm building to the south- and then saw that the cameras back at the condo had both gone out- so figured we lost power. About 30 minutes later texts started coming in from neighbors and my partner that there were trees down everywhere and traffic was snarled up in Colchester Village. We got some pretty significant localized damage in about a quarter mile radius near the intersection of Route 2 and 2A. Plenty of activity in this area of town last night with all of the major tree companies in the area in full swing. Spent a few hours yesterday evening helping some neighbors clean up and dispose of tree debris that fell their backyard. Tree workers are here this morning for our association. A photo of our neighbors’ across from us and a few screengrabs from video I took on a brief ride around before coming home.
  5. I hope you pull through unscathed… I made a post in the general discussion about it and Tip assuaged my fears somewhat. I am in no flood prone area like you, Powderfreak, Eaves, and a few others on here but man- this is a crazy time to be alive in VT…. no less the world. I thought harder about my thought process and figured that some of the influence on it is that it is *SO ON THE NOSE* being 1 year pretty much to the day(s) of last years flooding. I am not alone- clearly. With that said, I am hoping that the flooding out in the narrow valleys of the beautiful state of VT is localized. Regardless of what happens, it’s hard to deny that threats like this will keep coming with more regularity as our global climate changes. We, as Vermonters, have recovered on a large scale, twice, since I moved to VT from NY in 2004. I hope we can continue to weather these storms and offer each other help where it’s needed. We’re all in the same boat. Best of luck tomorrow.
  6. I hope that Beryl’s remnants don’t play out here in VT and the North Country of NY as a worst possible scenario. They’d come pretty much exactly a year after the most recent catastrophic floods. While I don’t live in a flood prone area, I don’t know how much more certain communities, specifically in the valleys of the Green Mountains, can take in terms of repeat onslaughts of water. Looking at the tail end of the 12Z NAM3KM, showing ~1.4in over the first 3 hours from the onset of rain with already saturated soils, I have concerns.
  7. Looking pretty decent so far NoCORH4L. CAPE values
  8. Gettin’ a bit excited about the severe potential up here in the northern CPV… took the dog out for a walk this morning around 9:30AM in the Colchester area and the day had a nasty feel about it already. Felt like a pretty juicy surface atmosphere (especially with all that early morning rain) with the humidity and gusty winds. First severe T-Storm warning just popped up for Addison County as I am writing from a cluster that popped up over the High Peaks region in the ADKs. Edit: Radar indicated rotation with the storm per Tyler Jankowski. Addison County does seem to be the dominant area for possible Tornados in VT. Might go up to the parents house in South Hero later for better views later on today after my SO gets home from her 20mi run and I’m relieved from standby duty, haha.
  9. It seems that, conveniently, all of the VTrans cameras took their last images around 4:40AM this morning.
  10. I will never forget that storm... epic it truly was. People were stuck everywhere, begging to get pulled out of the middle of the road. Cars getting quickly & completely engulfed in snowdrifts. The CB was crackling with municipal and private plow guys saying "F THIS!". I will never forget being down at the shoreline of Lake Champlain on Mallett's Bay in the middle of the night in a plow truck & not being able to see. one. single. thing. Sideways, whiteout, face-hurting ice & snow: intense blizzard conditions. A telephone pole and the rear right quarter panel of my pickup had quite the disagreement too, lol. Memory-wise, second in line to that was the overnight instantaneous-fluff-bomb where those in BTV who woke up early had like 30 inches of the lightest, purest powder snow I've ever seen/felt in my life. I forget exactly how that anomaly happened but man that was nuts too. Who knew driving through 30 inches of unplowed snow could be so easy?? Wild winter stuff happened in the late oughts through the early tens... it doesn't seem to happen too often anymore... or maybe I'm just getting jaded in my "older" age.
  11. No big reaction to shots #1 or #2. The day after #3 felt like all my joints were arthritic and I had a moderate fever and headache... basically felt like I had the flu without any of the respiratory symptoms.
  12. Could you tell at what pace it was moving? Looks like a moose at a good trot in your hard packed snow.
  13. That was the closest I could experience the power of the hurricane. I had a lot invested in seeing if it would survive long enough to make it into the eye. Pretty incredible stuff.
  14. Seeing a lot more debris on the GI camera as well.
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