Not being a weenie but I think the CAD will hold on for at least bit and maybe longer than we expect. Cold air really hasn't been our problem this year... It's been around.
I have had my Westbrook Jersey on since Friday night and will keep it on. No shower, no shave since, hopefully brings some good luck even though I probably smell repulsive. Off tomorrow so I'll get my shit in gear then... Otherwise, GO BIRDS!!!!
That's kind of what I'm seeing. A couple inches with a Birds win tonight and I'll be tickled pink, more likely green.
33F/Cloudy... Drip drip underway.
Radar not showing much but it's that freezing rain mist going on. I'm outside looking at the street light and you can see it... things are really coated.
28F/freezing mist
If possible,I would definitely do the parade thing. Some people act like idiots at night. Daytime a little more relaxed with the parade. Don't get me wrong, still drunk but it's not night.
Wait till you turn 50 plus, you'll avoid that like a plague. But I understand if you wanted to experience it at least once. I did the New Year's Eve times square thing in my 30s and never again. Totally overhyped.