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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Junk and stuff still hitting the car, over performer, 31 Fahrenheit retarded looking snowflakes.. a couple foxes and squirrels. Oh yeah go Birds!
  2. Big ass flakes here right now...Birds! My sleep is crap...WIP 27F heavy duty stuff going on.
  3. Probably the last good cranking outside now....and solid snowfall for the year.
  4. Doc recommended medical marijuana so we'll see as far as the blood pressure...he knows the scoop. 27F/snow
  5. Flat out tired but got to take a walk, steady snow, Birds Super bowl, can't resist...27F
  6. Really cranking, shovel stuff opposed to leaf blower..
  7. Local burbs to Lehigh valley it's quite a difference in this one. Let's see how it swings out and you're still up? Shocking! Birds!
  8. Best singular snow event this year... Flakes ripping. Oh yeah, Birds!
  9. Good things flowing through, kind of sideways stuff and all.. 28F.
  10. Really a good wave rolling through, everything white. Drought guy is still up and posting... All things are still up and going.... Birds!!!
  11. I see drought guy lurking.... Radar looks decent, steady light snow 28 f....
  12. Stuff coming down here at a pretty good rate right now, I think you're on the screw line sad to say. Birds!! 28F/moderate snow
  13. Things really cranked within the past 15 minutes. When you can see snow without real light it is coming down. Fully expect road whitage soon....
  14. This year may be the longest snow on snow on snow on snow etc ever with really nothing much to show total accumulation. I think I still have crap from December 2024 hanging around. Yep, it's snowing on snow, 29F.
  15. Quite pathetic but I'm at a McDonald's parking lot looking at the bright ass light, flakes are definitely larger....two fold 29F
  16. I think a solid inch is doable around my area but damn these nickel and dime things suck. Happy to see it snow but sucks you can't get a couple inches...//no sexual references//.
  17. Not at all, it's snowing not great but snowing... Looks like another nickel dime event.
  18. Police, ambulance and other emergency vehicles making noise....
  19. At Redners in North Wales, super solid light to moderate steady snow junk falling. Oh yeah, Birds are world champions!!
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