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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Being sarcastic...I haven't seen one of those thing-a-ma-jiggers in years. 34F/Ice cold rain
  2. State college radar. Spotters have been all over the place... 34F/Rain
  3. R/S line going S while junk coming N...still borderline. I'm all over the place...rain/pingers/snow/rain, you name it.
  4. Going to get waffled soon...unfortunately not snow. Pingers hitting the window... 33F
  5. Yep....pretty nasty out there retrieving the mail. Some nice gust as well....almost fell on my ass.
  6. Nice batch to the W...we'll see. Snow/30F
  7. NAM is a troll, a bot. Son of a bitch does it every time. Not reeling me in...no way, no how until it gets support. 29F
  8. If the temps chill down? We'll probably hit 50+ next week. The ocean is a large body of water so we'll need a solid stretch of below normal temps to cool it off. Accuweather/Sat night which sounds reasonable...I'll take it.
  9. Have you experienced a dust storm yet? It's on my bucket list...they seem pretty intense. Cloudy/36F
  10. I blame the weather lady for throwing that term out there. (Trying to look superior/smart?) No shot 99%+ know the term besides weenies. It's like walking down the street tomorrow and ask the random person what they they think of the 12z GFS and will they stay up for the Euro later tonight? 99.98% would have no clue and probably think you're sniffing glue talking nonsense... 37F
  11. NBC10 weather lady kept on saying the word graupel for the last 2 weather segments and I knew no one had a clue what she was talking about. Minutes later, the two other ladies behind the main news desk said people were asking on facebook/twitter what the hell is graupel? Weather lady explained but the behind the main desk ladies still looked perplexed and I'm sure people asking the question were confused as well...it was cringe. Solved nothing...lol.
  12. Yep. How the hell can you stay up for model runs at 1:30am but when the actual event is occurring at 1:30am you're counting sheep...lol.
  13. IMO, 1.36475% this happens. 18z is always a glimpse of hope/makes weenies happy, click their heels only to get shot down by the 0z later tonight. Early Prediction: Philly: 1-2", maybe 3", Local Burbs 3-5" or so, Far N/W 6+". Marginal temps and the ocean is a boiling pot. Hope I'm wrong and things roll in our favor but these things rarely work out but I'll take 3-4" w/winds... 37F
  14. Still looking pretty good for us. Bipolar MA subforum still being, well bipolar. Outside/inside Christmas lights continue to stay on till it snows...
  15. Not that I wasn't already skeptical, the 4-12" clinched it. May as well predicted 4-18"... Cloudy/37F
  16. More like Lehigh Valley N/W. Just N/W of Philly would do better than Philly but Berks and such would do much much better. I always account for a 30-50miles N/W shift....still early though.
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