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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Squalls Sunday? Big fan of trying to get something done outdoors and getting drilled by a quick line of snow... Steady rain, 46F
  2. That's Wxtrix language. What we need is 2 grown men in the driveway beating the shit out of the each other to prove their point w/snow shovels (I'll buy tickets for this) until authorities arrive. That's my take... Hopefully good runs tonight. Steady rain/45F
  3. Things heading this way. All systems on course. No yellow jack/wasp have been spotted... 44F Dover Radar:
  4. Weather and sports, I'm in... Multiple NFL wild card playoff games this weekend could have significant weather impact. The game Saturday night in Kansas City could be the coldest on record for both the Miami Dolphins and Kansas City Chiefs. Sunday's game in Buffalo could have lake-effect snow and strong, cold winds. Finally, a third game Monday night could have rain, perhaps thunderstorms.
  5. Cold coming, snow still up for debate although I think we'll see some (minor) at the very least... 41F
  6. Know it very well, playing mind games with myself. It's therapy. Tell ya the the truth, I'm looking forward to Fri night/Sat rain/wind.....drought guy may flip out. 42F
  7. Big fan of the "smoke job"... Overall, next week, we can't get screw out of a Birds win and shafted on snow...can we? 42F/Clear/Predicted low 29F
  8. NBC10 going with 1.29" for the North Wales/Lansdale area(Friday night/Sat morning). I'm thinking over. Along w/winds PECO workers will be raking in OT once again this weekend...good for them. 43F
  9. Think we'll have some chances, little or large, starting next week till the end of the month. Temps look to be below average as well. Not frigid but good enough for any storm or popup moisture. Much better than last year which is stating the obvious... 44F/Gusty
  10. Still rather windy out, 25-30+mph gust...sun's out. 46F
  11. Solid downpour w/wind rolled through at 1:45am...woke me up.
  12. You must be thrilled about the upcoming solid rain event Fri night into Sat.... 56F/light rain
  13. I only expected 40-45mph winds and I think I reach that and maybe a little more. Shore is where 50-55mph+ were expected...high winds.
  14. Up to 120,000. Fire house right down the street from me, siren going off all night...
  15. Another line forming, not quite a rope...
  16. It's not wide but defined. I better not blink or I'll miss it...
  17. A couple 60mph getting close by w/that slug of moisture...
  18. 65mph gust and a nice line forming to the S...
  19. ^ 4,000 more within the last 5 minutes...winds are active.
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