Who cares, weather - smeather. Philly won the Super Bowl!
Constant steady wind now. Sounds like a long-ass train in the distance been traveling by for an hour plus now...
I'm in the McDonald's parking lot facing Welsh road and looking down. Looks like all traffic lights are down going down Welsh rd. Oddly enough McDonald's lights still on, the drive through 6 deep ordering burgers.
The Welsh road traffic light in front of redner's is out. People look perplexed on what to do... Cops just arrived waving their hands back and forth. Drivers still confused and perplexed... Now a fire engine coming down Welsh road Hocking the shit out of his horns..
Became real dark in the past 15 minutes, now heavy duty rain. At the YMCA and the outside lights came on. Same with the apartment complex right next door.
Well, at least the high winds will be some entertainment this afternoon through tomorrow. Down trees, property damage and exploding capacitors would be fun...too bad it isn't trash night.
39F/ light rain drizzle
Pretty sure I've haven't had 3" yet, maybe not much more than 2-2.5". A solid 6" snow would be noticeable.Ya know, plow trucks coming down the streets and all, snow mounds on the sides of roads. A real winter event...
Greedy bastard....I'll take a nice 4-6" with the cold and some wind and be happy as hell. This pennie, nickel and dime crap has gotten old real quick...
Radar (rain/snow line) really starting to move in. I have super light snow out there now or light sleet/freezing rain. Another meh nuisance...
31F/light something
Happens 90%+ of the time the past 2 decades in regards to larger long range storms...here and there we get thrown a bone but usually failure is the outcome.
The only thing more depressing than losing this storm is off topic closing down. Man, what will I do with my free time besides argue with people back and forth who I don't even know about stupid things 24/7/365. I'll have to have a talk with myself about my new future goals and aspirations...
Jumped down to 31F from 34F w/the heavier precip/DP 28F, snow. Paved surfaces starting to crash little by little but not all that much time left before the changeover...thinking maybe a solid coating to .5"
Rain/frozen precip screw line....it is wobbling a bit back/forth a bit.
Car tops and rooftops starting to coat a bit, ground/hard surfaces still wet. At North Wales library and they mentioned they may close early, I internally laughed thinking it's almost over/changing to rain and not even sticking to the roads...lol.
34F/light-mod snow