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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Yep. Tree limbs breaking, transformers exploding, rooftops collapsing....good stuff! 46F
  2. 3-5" here...no one is mentioning the 30+mph winds which will smash/stick the super wet heavy snow to everything which is kinda cool... 46F
  3. CBS3 gives Philly just about squat...
  4. Exactly. I thought 1-3" was a tad nice. Could happen but the city is generally a heat pit...
  5. NBC10 pretty much had the same map...
  6. Go to the top right on this site hit your name then hit "my attachments" and start deleting old ones. I think each member has a 40mb limit tillk maxed out. Once you free up room, you'll be able to add attachments.
  7. Unless I'm missing something the timestamp on each page is 2/11 6:25am
  8. Yep, that's my thoughts. Pretty much after midnight tonight I'll start looking way N and see where the cold air lies. Then I'll follow Allentown/Lehigh Valley obs and so on as the cold moves S while following the moisture. It usually gives me an idea if we're going to get screwed or not. Is the cold air moving faster than predicted? Or slower? 36F
  9. More times than not these setups don't pan out. Either the cold takes too long to filter down or the precep scoots out of here quicker than expected or both. I do remember a couple plaster jobs, better than expected but they are far and few between... 40F/Cloudy
  10. Just now, Cecily (Accu Weather) not buying it yet but did mention the S trend... 41F/cloudy
  11. You misunderstood. E) Top ten greatest individual snowstorms: 1. 31.0” (Jan. 6-8, 1996) 2. 28.5” (Feb. 5-6, 2010) 3. 23.2” (Dec. 19-20, 2009) 4. 22.4” (Jan. 23-24, 2016) 5. 21.2” (Feb. 11-12, 1983) .....and number 9. 18.7” (Feb. 16-17, 2003) would be my 6th.
  12. Overall 6/10 for myself...but all of the top 5. 46F/cloudy
  13. Pretty sure I saw or read somewhere we are 6F or 7F above average so far this month. Ground is toasty so I'll need good rates for anything to stick to paved surfaces around here... 42f/cloudy
  14. Unless I'm missing something(?)....this will fail miserably. It's been low clouds...almost 2pm.
  15. It's mating season for a bunch of critters/creatures, I smacked a deer years past...just learned Feb is a prime skunk mating thing? Be careful driving/walking and welcome to the jungle.... 49F
  16. We need a little something-something with these mid day runs today.... 44F
  17. Take a Multi-Vitamin, B-complex and kick yourself in the nuts from time to time and I think you'll be alright to keep alert. I've had fox running around, squirrels making silly sounds so something may be up? Cops released a fox in Lansdale, a stones-throw away a couple days ago....creatures/critters know. Caught on cam: ‘Fox Whisperer,' fellow police officer free animal entangled in netting https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/critter-corner/lansdale-police-fox-rescue/3769425/
  18. Welp, it's something I guess? Though, could get shafted in a heartbeat...
  19. We need something....and quite frankly we're not asking for much.
  20. Would like to see more consistency w/tonight's late night 00z runs. I'll take a 1-3" to 3-6" rain to snow plaster in a heartbeat....then cold. 42F/Cloudy
  21. It may just be a quick turnover passing burbs thing? Who knows? Doesn't happen much these days...
  22. Looking ahead, everything always looks great then as time approaches shit hits the fan...year after year. 48F
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