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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. This line around Pitt is cool, no idea what it means, if anything,
  2. Pitt radar: Unless I'm missing something Pitt getting hit heading somewhat our way?
  3. Screw models at this point, just follow different radars and I think we're doing good/well right now... 35F/Cloudy
  4. With the fluff bar, you'll do better and better for your back... 35F/Mostly Cloudy
  5. Really digging everything, cold air in place, junk moving in from the W and we'll see scattered stuff Sat after the main batch leaves/cold...4-5"+ IMO. WV radar...just waiting for it to move east.
  6. Their graphics department was on break....didn't have time, Things look rock solid around here, can't complain, snow on snow. Brine guys added blue (Breaking Bad) to the mixture (No Joke) so they knew/know where it has been applied...my poor car underneath, brake lines.
  7. They just want to throw those folks a bone, pity so there are not left out. Crows, birds and junk making a whole bunch of noise....going 3-5". 39F
  8. 6abc (Accu-Weather) at Noon.....seems like 2-4" is where outlets are sticking with for now. 38F
  9. Plan your sleeping accordingly...or have a family member slap you over the head w/a cast iron pan when it starts snowing. 38F/DP 18F
  10. Really looks like a typical 1970s overnight 2-4" or so event. Temps will be there.....stuff rolls in/rolls out and dry/easy shovel. Grabbed the damn trash cans this morning... 34F
  11. That's where I see it...I'm good w/this. Not heavy stuff (shoveling) which is a bonus... 33F
  12. Actually surprised w/the amount which lasted, not great but better than I thought... 37F/Overcast...
  13. 33F, overcast, may be beaver season? And get your head out of the gutter... This little guy is cool...
  14. Do you know (or anyone) if the official Philly totals still come from the airport?
  15. At this point, refresher? There's won't be anything to refresh by (if?) Saturday. Went out just to shovel (3" at this point) the public sidewalk so the township doesn't give me a citation. And damn, if I shut my eyes I would think it's raining from the rooftops around me melting and running down the gutters. Plenty of green under trees and bushes as well...
  16. I've noticed this the past week or so while driving. So damn bright and drilling to my eyes for, not even, mid-Feb. WTF? This stuff usually doesn't affect me till early-mid March at the earliest... 39F/partly sunny
  17. Lol...just ready to post this. I didn't even touch the roof of my car (black) or any parts and it's 70-80% melted....it will be clear by the end of the day. Didn't even shovel today and won't...let mother nature take care of it since she created it. 39F/Partly sunny
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