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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. I don't even follow models since winter is over...long range accu weather, quite a wet/damp stretch 3/22-3/27. This should wipe all the chemical impurities away...for now. If you see any squirrels on their back with feet in the air, tell any child/children questioning they are sleeping...and leave it at that. 75F
  2. Of course. The windows can defog w/low A/C (134A) but when push comes to shove in high summer temps 134A needs to be up to snuff w/optimal refrigerant to keep things cool/cold. I'm a certified gear head... 73F
  3. 72F Car was in the sun for several hours and was pretty damn hot when I jumped in. Decided to try out the A/C, success and cold! May as well try it out now before we really bake then find out A/C isn't doing its job...
  4. That's pretty cool and educational. My HS (Archbishop Wood) never considered such a thing. They were too concerned about our top button being buttoned and our tie is pulled all the way up. Another air quality alert on the phone this morning.....RedSky is doomed. 45F at 6:10am
  5. Live in Linfield directly behind the Power Plant for a couple years. I could see the steam floating aloft from the backyard. Pretty eerie when a TS was approaching w/the lightning...I could see the towers/lightning and steam billowing out all in one picture/glimpse. And those towers are way huge. It would have made for a cool picture... Once I moved to Royersford I didn't notice the power plants even though I was only a couple miles down the road...
  6. I received a moderate air quality alert on my phone this morning. (no joke) I was wondering WTH? You probably ingested/inhaled a toxic deadly chemical cloud from the Limerick power plant which floated down and hovered above your house. Check for any growth of a 3rd arm/leg/eye/ear tomorrow morning just to be safe... 67F /Pit fire weather
  7. It's going to get hot no matter what, that never fails around here. I just hope it doesn't start in May and last through Sept into Oct. That would really suck... 39F
  8. Upper 60s/low 70s after today for a couple days. May as well clean/vacuum the car which looks like crap. Bright side , looks like 40s for highs mid next week... 56F/Still breezy
  9. Many screened windows and a screened door open...really airing out the place. 56F....getting a little too warm, wish a arctic front would blow through.
  10. My radar "app" just sent me a notification drizzle will start in 20 minutes....
  11. Some squalls starting to pop up...would be cool w/those winds. 41F
  12. Squirrels (many), birds and geese on my friendly Sunday walk/trip to Wawa...winds should kick in shortly. 43F
  13. Way more than I expected. Thought about 1"...nice winds. 43F
  14. Yep. Took down the window candles....winds be a blowing. 43F
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