Despite not making it I still like Jones, Tortorella and crew w/additions. Sucks they went on that damn 0-8 streak...I knew they wouldn't win the SC but playoff experience is important.
Would put down big bucks they make the playoffs next year and a little noise.
Now onto the Sixers....
Piece of cake, what Flyers need to make the playoffs:
Flyers win tonight in regulation vs. the Capitals
AND Red Wings loss tonight in regulation vs. Canadiens
AND Penguins loss Wednesday in regulation vs. New York Islanders
Not too bad 70s and some wind. Next weekend 50s again. Just can't stand a hot pattern w/no end in site....
49F/Odd, it got real gusty then calm a couple times so far today....
Odd how a total eclipse can give you total darkness but 93% you barely notice. Either the sun is that strong that 7% can give daylight or someone is screwing up the predicted percentages in each area. Seems a bit wishy-washy...
Quite honestly I wasn't expecting much but thought it may surprise me...but nope.
Looking forward to Wed-Fri w/clouds, showers and rain....absolutely thrilled.
Mow tomorrow....