I haven't seen anything but haven't been looking real hard. This hot stretch should bring out some critters.
Phils game tomorrow at 4:05pm. Good luck with that. I remember the Vet with the astroturf temps on the field were 120F+....you could see the heat coming off the turf.
90F/DP 71F @ 11:25am...can't believe we have 3 more months of this crap.
That's not bad under a inch. I have a pond near me and it's not low although my lawn is turning yellow/brown in spots.
74F/DP 68F....cool looking moon w/puffy clouds driving by.
Taking the trash out @ 11:15pm...muggy after hanging in the A/C for hours. No critters, still waiting for the Joro spider the news has been babbling about...
Don't worry, drought guy will let us know of any potential watches/warnings. He monitors 24/7, triple screen utilization from several different highly regarded top notch resources....
Stuck at 92F but think I'l hit 93F.
Saturday or Sunday we'll flame-throw 95F+
I wish we get some boomers w/this heat/DP. Power outages, roofs ripped off, transformers exploding...fun stuff, junk like that....
Ya think...
It kinda sucks, looking like 93F+ (later)+DPs 70+ as well. I would toss a hot/Summer liker guy through a wood chipper if /possible..heeve-hooo. with full strength.
Weekend appears horrible....
Reminds me of the jeans I may had to have repaired. (Zipper went off track....2 pairs). I bought each one $23/piece Wrangler at Walmart Guy quoted me $35/each at the Montgomery Mall. F-that! May as well buy new ones.Speaking of, what a ghost town the Mall, many store leases available. I remember the 80's...arcade booming, totally packed at noon. Me crickets at noon the other day.....weekend!
Hot as hell already;;;
And Summer rolls into October these days. The ONLY positive thing is the grass slows down growing, every thing else sucks!
Heat lovers are mental lunatics/sinners...
This sucks @ 10am:
Had some solid downpours and quick gust, power went out for 2-3 hours.
All and all, decent soaking before we roast next week. Lawn mowing Sat or Sun a must w/the nice weather.
And, oh yeah, we're under 100 days!
62F/DP 61F
Maybe some Friday afternoon boomers?
Next week looks like complete hell. I thought Adam Joseph was going to put his hands in the air, jump and click his heals when he showed the extended forecast...
69F/DP 56F
I'm waiting/looking for the Giant parachuting Joro spiders which should arrive shortly. They'll probably disappoint and I won't see a single one...
82F/DP 69F
Listening to Zeppelin...
Can't believe how well the Phils are doing, 40-18...
Hoping for NJ hurricane....TS inland (Floyd)
Thinking blizzards this winter...
Hope Summer flies bye...
Early Fall...
Training Camp can't come any sooner...
Heat lovers are sinners...
83F/DP 44F
It's pretty cloudy here. I don't see a chance the sun makes an appearance. Gotta get lucky and hope a random popup blossoms right above my house...
71F/DP 69F