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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. DPs feel great out there at 71F, Phils game @ 4pm and a bunch of stuff building from the W...
  2. Grass looks like hell. Need some rain this weekend...if not, may see a tumbleweed blowing by sometime soon. 79F/DP 49F
  3. Actually decent rain going on here w/thunder...hmmm.
  4. Yep, may, looks just N...but we have parting gifts!
  5. Looking at things...you may. I suggest the clicker, easily replaceable.
  6. I'm thinking we're getting a couple showers. No cow tossing, explosions. Mow the lawn, take the trash out to close out the end of week kinda thing... 72F/DP 68F
  7. Still a decent batch if it can make it here...
  8. More later...89F/DP 71F and breezy...neighbors dogs barking quite a bit which I think helps.
  9. I hear ya. I had one of those "ULine chair/table sets which companies give you (I got free w/purchases) that got blown away w/wind} I got slapped. They are solid products and I'm 6'1/225lbs...I laugh but they can really knock a female/kids to left field...no joke. I always laugh but they can really you pop you if not prepared. I'm pretty sure it was this son of a bitch. This was it, solid product but this hurts/nailed if under 200-225lbs(not fun). Again, I got nailed and wouldn't recommend for women/kids around this crap w/wind...it sucks.
  10. Lawn is pretty much a mess...but hey the nice winds, low DPs and Phils wins make this much easier. Need some mind blowing winds, cow flying, roof topping, electrical capacity blowing junk capacities up Wed, that's about it.....all and all, I'll be all fine..simple. Winds still blowing though...
  11. Think that will be decent (1"+) for some areas. Maybe a twister? Grass is yellow-brown crunchy... Sunny/86F/DP 47F
  12. Hell yeah, now we're talking... 78F/DP 71F...
  13. Really hazy, smoke? Hoping for a thunder banger... 95F/DP 73F
  14. Hopefully this gets rip roaring later today... 92F/DP 74F
  15. Still down. I use the State College radar (KCCX) since things come from the W then switch to the TPHL radar but yeah KDIX seems to go down when possible precip is headed our way. 82F/DP 72F
  16. Already 80F/DP 71F @ 8:45am...my electric bill will be through the roof.
  17. Precip just to the north for many of us. If we get short changed this weekend drought stuff may start... 82F/66F
  18. Wondering the same. Heard this morning Reading was at 82F and I was 79F. It worked that way for more areas N and W...I don't get it. Maybe I had some early morning haze or something.
  19. I'll take single digit highs and windy days over any 90F+/high DP Summer day. No bugs or allergies in the winter as well. Summer is only good for T-Storms, tornadoes or tropical storms. Otherwise I would skip it and go right to Fall... 87F/DP 67F
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