On the porch at 2am...still a mess out here. Coming from the A/C to this is like hitting a brick wall.
Critters are starting to get their act together w/the warm temps...still haven't spotted any Flying Joro spiders which is a disappointment and another panic/exaggeration from the media.
Think they are illegal now....probably find them online though.
Back in the 70s at family get togethers my uncles half loaded on Schmidt's returnables would aimlessly toss them 100ft in the air as I ran around underneath. Great fun!
Not much on radar to the W...
Had two rounds:
First, thunder w/mod rain, no wind or lightning. Then sun. Second, super heavy downpour w/gusty wind. Again, no lightning. First and second round lasted about 5-10 minutes each.
SNJ getting hit again.
73F/DP 71F and a decent sunset
For people that don't know, that's quite a bit, shovel, wheel barrel and spreading it around. Could easily lose 3-5lbs...I'm always beat after that.
Radar lighting up a bit to the W...maybe a quick mow this morning.
72F/DP 71F