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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Man o man....we'll see....dark clouds, thunder to the W...
  2. Cold/cooler front which moved through last night dodging backwards but only so much, SE does better? Mowed the lawn/trimmed today but damn I think I'm good till August...junk barely growing. 87F/DP 67F Speaking of:
  3. Wow, that sounds thrilling. Hopefully stuff from my SW blows up and heads my way...
  4. Ask family members what may be the problem...
  5. Done. Phils at 60 wins... and a overnight hum-dinger (weather, of course) would be a bonus as well.... 80F/DP 73F
  6. Stuff building more NW....more importantly Phils up over LA 4-3 in the 8th.
  7. Some sort of line forming to the W moving E...tornado.
  8. That's a long ass tail. Colder/cooler air moving E slamming into Beryl moisture flow coming up....hopefully something pans out. 90F/DP 78F
  9. 90F/DP 80F here further W @ 12:30pm, hazy sun is out, some breezy winds. First time I've seen during this current hot stretch. Precip starting to form this early to the W. Isn't that some sort of lame ass "cold front" moving E? Either way, hope it wrings out some heavy duty rain/T-storms later on....
  10. Here's the 20%...a little blob developing.
  11. That's the ONLY good thing about hot/dry weather, the grass/straw/hay/crunchy stuff doesn't grow. It's been 10+ days here w/o mowing and could easily go another week+. 95F/DP76F *Phils 6:40pm start at CBP, good luck w/that...
  12. 95F/ DP 67F/ Partly sunny Radar, nothing. First back to school related email. Fall is right around the corner...
  13. 92F/DP 70F This weather makes me lazy as hell...I don't feel like doing anything.
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