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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Nice little line forming WSW of Harrisburg...
  2. Some thunder, steady rain for round 2. Round 3 in the wee hours as your local watering hole is emptying out?
  3. Certainly nothing severe but a steady rain is good...
  4. Looking decent. Maybe not severe but the rain is there...
  5. Actually intensified the last couple frames/updates w/more red...we'll see.
  6. Sun's out/bright so may get a little heating before the actual front further W rolls through...
  7. Stuff not moving very fast, rain w/the first sounds of thunder... Down to 78F
  8. Getting waffled, big drops. Temp down to 81F
  9. This is a nice opening act moving in... 92F/DP 75F/Cloudy
  10. They're really popping up in bunches. Still sunny here 93F/DP 76F...
  11. Already seeing popups forming ahead of it. Sunny here to fuel things more... 92F/DP 75F
  12. Here's the front so it's a judgement call if it arrives before 7pm. Also some popups could occur before the front. My guess is some rain before 7pm...
  13. I expect some nice winds ahead/with the front along w/lightning/thunder/downpours. Not severe but it will be active. I see no way all of us get screwed. Maybe some but that goes w/o saying w/any system... 92F/DP 74F
  14. Nothing really going on here. An occasional pop-up shower and muggy. 82F/DP 76F In other news, womens beach volleyball is on...
  15. Had a couple downpours/showers this morning w/a couple more to the W...just overcast now. 82F/DP 74F *Knew someone would screw this up and it didn't take long. Ch6 graphics guy spelled the TS "Debbie" instead of "Debby" early this morning. They corrected it later in the broadcast. Can't blame him, who the hell spells it "Debby"....a 3rd grader? In all my years it was always Debbie, Debra or Deborah. There are/were probably exceptions but I don't recall meeting anyone or reading anything w/it spelled that way....
  16. Screw Debby...we're under 50! That's what's important! 71F/DP 70F
  17. You still may receive a little more. I have some steadier stuff moving in/through... 71F/DP 69F
  18. Still muggy as hell out there but the downpours really dropped the temp...
  19. Just had a 5-10 min heavy duty downpour...temp down to 76F
  20. 90F/DP 74F Radar still looks decent...darkness to my W. *Someone tried to start (fake) a "OnlyFans" page for my buddy Cecily...lol.
  21. This batch here is blowing up a bit...that's the one I have a shot.
  22. If Winter, this would have been the perfect not predicted/surprise overnight 2" refresher blob...
  23. Decent steady light rain...think it misses Allentown completely. 74F/DP 73F
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