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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. 83F/DP 62F/Hazy Canadian fire smoke skies
  2. Losing 2+mins per day so it's really starting to kick in...
  3. I'm the opposite...sunset by 5pm is fine by me.
  4. 77F/DP 62F/Sunny We're going to pay for these nice days at some point. I don't care about rain but I'm done w/the 90s and humid crap....
  5. It really looks we're in a nice pattern till the end of August. You know what that means? Blowtorch Sept and Oct. 76F/DP 55F Under 40 days...
  6. Yeah, kinda what I thought. It doesn't seem like a great place for a concert. And ticket prices are insane these days. Better off w/a 80" LED and surround sound and crank at home. Looking at your photo, why not have the visual display on the Phillies screen as well...I'm sure money/advertising had to do w/this. 77F/DP 65F
  7. Never been to CBP for a concert. How's the sound? I've been to many at the Vet and a couple at JFK (Live Aid, Stones and Floyd etc)...both were OK regarding sound but JFK overall was a cooler/better place. The Mann is also a good place for outdoor concerts as well. 81F/DP 63F Whoever advanced planned their vacation for this upcoming week hit the jackpot...
  8. Strange, small line is building moving basically S-N with a little E...
  9. Weird ass line ready to move in...S-N. 77F/DP 76F....crappy as hell out there.
  10. I dig a boat for fishing/crabbing here and there occasionally w/the heat ...same goes w/a pool for a afternoon or two. But hell NO for 3-4 months of pure heat/evil...screw that! My best camping experiences have been in the Fall. Personal tent, hiking, camp fire, fishing and not being around annoying (wxtrix) people... 71F/DP 70F
  11. I literally can't wait for the colder/crisp night air rolling in, crickets, leaves falling, fire pit, football....screw summer! Those damn heat lovers need to get their head rearranged....sinners, I'll tell ya, sinners!
  12. Damn straight and my Ketel w/the pit fire may be a little different than yours.....easing into Fall.
  13. After a 1/2 hour or so of steady rain the radar looks rather lame and spotty... 70F/DP 69F
  14. 5"+ w/the tornado down that way...I'm jealous.
  15. Have a good straight down steady rain going on now...still doesn't have a tropical look. No wind, lightning or thunder, just rain. Better than the heavy mist and drizzle though...the DP is the only thing tropical. 71F/DP 69F
  16. Would never know it's tropical in nature. No wind, not heavy/sideways, no thunder/lightning...basically steady light/mod rain. Good/better stuff will be further W...
  17. Debby heading into the burbs.... 70F/DP 69F
  18. Good pickup. Maybe FOX (5") received measurement in one part of Media and CBS3 (2.39") in another...
  19. Funny you mention this. FOX29 last night at 10pm had Media PA at 5"....literally just now watching CBS3 has Media PA at 2.39" "in the last 24 hrs" so something is really messed up. Are these coming from official resources or public spotters? Personally I believe the 2.39" more so than the 5"... 68F/DP 66F
  20. Media will have another nice batch moving in....
  21. Can't help to think Phils season is mimicking last year Birds season who started off 10-1 then train wreck. Phils still have a shot to pull out of it though... Per FOX29: Media PA: 5.0" Cherry Hill: 5.3"
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