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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. That's probably it then. I read somewhere Doug was there because of a pre-planned vacation. I assumed Sheena. Again though, why not get the weekend weather people to fill in and not a lead Met from another market?
  2. Sheena is on vacation(Glenn ill) but couldn't they get one of the weekend people to fill in rather than ripping off Doug from DC? Besides Glenn and a select few (non weather) NBC10 sucks. Once Glenn retires I'm out for weather and news. The station in general is a mess. The only good thing they've done recently is finally shiet-can Renee Chanault after 6+ months "leave" because of her corrupt husband and possibly herself as well. She was horrible...
  3. Glenn posted snow/34F for day 7 (Friday) in his long range planner thing at 4pm. Not worth wasting time tracking IMO...unless it's on our doorstep.
  4. Sounds like we blew our nut on one storm (although good)....Spring pending.
  5. I don't think many of us in this subforum want to merge?
  6. Been down this road many times....this a good thing.
  7. ^You nailed it and I didn't have to type...seriously.
  8. Can I please have the link....just want to check it out.
  9. Honestly, I don't know where it's at? Link? I'm game...
  10. Any parting gift(s)? Like a coffee maker or a Fry Daddy?
  11. I think it's many people thought, "I'm sick of following storms which never seem to pan out, no sleep and I should be doing something else, more productive". Unless weather is your livelihood, people just took a step back.
  12. This is my point...who is bietching about the Philly forum from Philly? If they don't like it, alternate between NY/Philly. No big deal. Why change it? Chip has something to do with this....I'm sure of it! Fat bastard!
  13. Seriously, why do we have to merge any subforums? Things seem to be purring right along. Forkys suggestion (as it use to be) to merge everyone and call it Northeast would be a nightmare after having subforums. A bunch of IMBY's..."it's a hit"...."it missed"...N..S..E..W. Everyone would be confused and have to sort through countless pages of BS only to realize I wasted my time.
  14. ^Yep, exactly. Things are cool here. We don't any drama....bickering. Having a crappy winter so far doesn't help out post count/attendance. Sometimes simple is better...leave it be.
  15. Cracked me up...but yes, thought the same. That's not a forecast...
  16. Throw this in as well from Glenn. I hate this type of setup. Snows...melts quickly and a backloaded Winter. Also a couple (2-3) larger storms, otherwise nada. I like continuous 3-4 inchers and it last.
  17. Glenn's forecast in a nutshell and link: http://tinyurl.com/odo48qm Jan is ugly at +6 and delayed Spring w/March at -4.
  18. That link goes back to this thread?
  19. At best I see him going near avg in temps/snow. But probably below in snow totals and above in temps. In Philly, something like: Snow: 15"-20" Temps: +2 for the winter Just a guess, who knows...
  20. Bingo. Not a big Steve D fan at all...I don't even pay attention.
  21. The two letters JB should be banned/blocked (**) from here...kinda like f**k...the guy is a mess and offers zero. If somehow he is correct (<25%)...it's luck which many here could do.
  22. Yep, my thoughts. Overall not a torch but warm enough that winter is on the back burner for a bit. Many 40's highs w/occasionally some 50+ temps...
  23. That and through Urban Dictionary poppycock is British term for bullshiet....
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