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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Herb Clark just called on his rotary phone...he's going to put on his weather gear and lend me a hand. He thinks I didn't calibrate the torque correctly while tightening . If that doesn't work, Jim O Brien and I are going sky dive onto the top of the radar to further investigate. This needs to get fixed.
  2. PED or Roids won't help this. We need true hardware. Still up in the tower....clouds from the W moving in.
  3. Tried that...still ain't working! Up on the tower now,,,trying super-glue. Something has to work....maybe a swift kick in the ass? Think I'm going to text Elliot Abrams shortly...it may be the flux capacitor?
  4. Drug making?...(Breaking Bad?) Yep so was I....(M-day flowers)....but dammit I''m fixing this damn radar!!! I'm climbing any tower w/my craftsman hammer till things are working! I'll bang and bang away like an old TV which isn't working. Blue Sky will be happy..... rain coming soon and don't want to miss it....chilly temps, love it.
  5. It's still in the broken stage...pretty sure someone is on their way to Lowes or Home Depot for tools and parts. Looks like rain is approaching though....
  6. Of course, thanks for the update MGorse.....it's like like having a crappy HDD/SDD.......they fail eventually. *Blue Sky still searching for the Cherry Hill radar...
  7. Straight to the point...lol. But yeah, radars are down. I'm trying to check it out myself....nope.
  8. Mainly a sleet storm but switched to heavy wet snow w/big flakes within the past hour. Unfortunately it's almost over...may eek out an inch .
  9. Yeah, I can deal with that. Honestly, it feels like winter just ended and here we are in May. The next couple days will get a little warm but a cool down over the weekend extending into next week...
  10. I posted the snowmaps (screenshots) from the majority of the local TV outlets somewhere in the "Feb 8-9th Storm discussion" thread....I'm pretty sure that was the thread? If not, one of the other threads from this past storm.
  11. Can't they promote him since many people approve unless he has a solid weekday gig? (probably so) Maybe him at 4pm and 5pm and Cecily at 6pm 11pm. Or he just ship to a different station? He seems comfortable in his current role though...who knows?
  12. ^Agree. He offers good analyst and a snow weenie...often brings up model runs as well.
  13. I watch the 11pm the other night and all Glenn showed was the 3 day forecast? I never know when they'll show the 10 day? Seems to change day-day? It's like they want viewers to keep viewing/guessing when the 10 day will show up? (ratings) Ch6 is so much more professional (maybe that's why they're always #1) I almost had it w/Glenn/NBC 10...
  14. Make that 3. That's my time period as well. Around the 2nd-3rd of Feb is usually my cut off line then you have to hope for overnight snow. Sure, you "can" get snow during the day after that but it's usually slop which melts on the road as soon as the intensity lets up. You would need perfect conditions for a daytime storm. (temps in the 20's, low dense clouds and snow intensity) Overall, I've given up and would cash my Winter chips in now for a much below normal (temps) Spring and a below normal Summer. This Winter has been boring torture and not the least bit fun.
  15. Pretty sure squires flying horizontally...
  16. Holy smokes...windy as hell out there at 3:20am. Def 40mph at times...wind burn galore.
  17. ^ Sounds like he needs new subscriptions...
  18. That is so damn annoying and useless....they just want to create the "wow" factor.
  19. Too big and cumbersome...quite frankly, it's a expensive heap of shiet with no real use...NBC fail.
  20. It was on the road live today tracking road conditions w/ the on-board camera facing the road. Thing is, it could have been a 74' Pinto w/a camera and no one would've notice the difference. What a waste...a hurricane is the only place where I see that thing being useful.
  21. I never know when he'll throw out the 10 day? It seems to change? Sometimes at 4:20pm...4:45pm etc...11:15pm sometimes not?
  22. MGorse...lol. Something didn't look right there...
  23. That's his first "guess" not his final call. Still doesn't look good...
  24. Too much clutter...data overload. After all these years ch6 (accu weather) hasn't changed all that much and is quite clear. They give the temps, focus on the map and what's going to happen then focus on the forecast. Simple is sometimes better...
  25. They want the whole "neighborhood weather" thing to sound all friendly and happy....but it offers zero substance.
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