It's so damn hard to get a all snow event these days. Seems to get worse every year. I just want to see snow on the roads at this point. No matter how little...just snow covered.
Yeah, I'm waving the white flag. Just outside, snow melting off rooftops (drip drip) and it's not even close to sticking to the streets. The radar is not very impressive regarding intensity and it will be over before you know it.
She was horrible...I tuned out. NBC10 in general is pretty bad these days. I don't even know what time Glenn does weather any longer?
All around I go 6abc and Fox29.
43F and wind has picked up a bit. (taking out trash)
Lol at Kamu for his detailed description of a snow lamp. Us old timers take it for granted everyone knows what it is but in reality new folks may have no clue. It's crucial and I would be pissed if the snow lamp burned out just before a big event. I have a backup but it's not as vivid.
Steady light snow currently with a solid coating on grass/rooftops. I didn't expect anything till later in the morning. Decent patch of precip hanging over my area.
In North Wales now....elevation 400' compared to 315' Warminster/Horsham area. Doylestown at 456'. Should be a cool event w/some people doing well and some getting screwed. Such is weather life.