You may be correct....I didn't think of that. It's definitely raining at a decent clip.
Pretty sad this obs thread usually consist of rain totals rather than snow this winter.
Completely agree. I know it's taboo but I'll take late Oct snows as well. Once late Feb comes I'm just about done w/winter because March snow, in general, sucks. It's slop usually. From that point on I'm praying for below normal temps for Spring/Summer and looking forward to the next Fall season.
Why do you have Murray in you profile picture? Belushi (Bluto) was way better....never thought Murray was funny. Completely overrated.
In other news: We're done. It's not going to snow even though WXSIM says 18-24" for all.
NFL: Go Chiefs and Big Red....the guy has paid his dues.
You won't see 2" much less 10". WXSIM is a hype JB behind the scenes? It just seems like a horrible method in tracking storms. When you go from 12" down to 1-2' then back up to 10" something is screwy...and let the ups/downs continue.
^That is an odd (not correct) map but benefits me so I'll agree with it. What's up with the slice of pizza in upper Bucks county? Seriously it's not going to work out this way.....
11am newscast: Glenn going with 1" or less for parts S/E of Philly...1" for Philly...1-3" for local Burbs and 3-4" for the Reading Allentown areas. I think it's a good call...
I remember that and I think it was '07. I was driving to Limerick on Rt 422 early in the morning and it wasn't plowed. Driving on 3-4" of sleet is way different than same amount of snow. I'll probably never experience that again in my life. Anyhow, let's grab a couple inches of whatever tomorrow and make it last for several days.
Brine down here in North Wales. I'm going with 1-3" which would be the largest this season. Kinda pathetic but it will be nice to see snow falling and hopefully sticking.
If anything, step outside. Very gusty winds, temps dropping and the view of a low sun angle. Feels and looks like winter w/o snow...yeah, that sucks but overall not horrible if you like winter. Better than a blow torch w/birds chirping....