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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Digging the wind this afternoon...at least it's somewhat exciting. 53F
  2. I'm looking forward to 40's/rain tomorrow and the possibility of a T-storm Sunday.... 67F
  3. Another day where it looks and feels more like winter than winter itself...
  4. Sleet now....more activity this morning than all winter combined.
  5. I think it's taped as well....there's always an awkward ending/blip/pause when they come back to the studio.
  6. Kinda funny, gambling sport-aholics, w/is lacking these days, can bet on weather istead....fitting. https://www.tmz.com/2020/03/17/sport-bettors-gamble-weather-odds-coronavirus-games-cancel/
  7. It's for ratings. Trying to look like they are better than other stations....more informed. And it comes across as totally staged/fake.
  8. They are trying to be politically correct. Notice how the anchors are seated 2 miles apart as well? (Social distancing...annoying )
  9. Glenn calling in at 5pm as well....really awkward to say the least.
  10. That's really odd....may as well just skip it. Almost as bad as Howard Eskin doing weather...
  11. NJ Gov Murphy going off right now...casinos, bar, restaurants etc.
  12. You would think it's New Years Eve if you venture to a state store today. No booze, no sports and the stock market is tanking again. Down 2100 as I type...happy times!
  13. Glenn working the 11pm shift. Friday morning should be a tad interesting, heavy rain, possible thunderstorms and a windy afternoon then a cooler Sat. I'll take what I can get these days...
  14. Not that we didn't already know but I'm watching NBC10 at 11am and Glenn says "Winter is over". That's a little bold for him considering there's 2/3 of March left and even early April. I agree w/him but I'm not an on air Met who will have to eat crow if a freak storm happens...
  15. 9 and have Bos next...pretty pumped. As far as winter...what a dud. I mean, I didn't use a shovel all year...didn't even use a broom to dust off a coating. That's really sad.
  16. Because it's not in the cards this year. Enjoy today because between the temps and the somewhat gusty winds (and perhaps flurries) it will be the closest thing to winter till next year. Sad but more than likely true...
  17. Lazy flurries here w/the sunshine....still gusty winds. 39F
  18. True that. Pretty sad but I'm looking forward to tonight's rain (w/possible thunder) and a gusty/windy day tomorrow with highs around 40 but wind chill much lower. 50F cloudy
  19. Quite frankly the whole program seemed like a "bait and switch" where only the top tier were selected and middle to lower tier were screwed and already made plans to move to Vermont...they said no funds available...Vermont wins.
  20. If this is the program all the funds are depleted at this time. https://www.thinkvermont.com/remote-worker-grant-program-2019/ UPDATE As of January 6, 2020, the Remote Worker Grant Program awarded all of the funds allocated to it. The funding was awarded on a first come first served basis as appropriated. We apologize for the inconvenience, but applications are not being accepted at this time while the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the Legislature evaluate the possibility of additional funding for the continuation of the program.
  21. This weekend may be the last time we see 30s for a high and any chance of snow is a pipe dream....
  22. Not only that but you can really feel the Spring sun kicking in...it penetrates the skin. Took a walk and I think I could get some color today if hanging outside? Winter sun may be bright but doesn't "hit you" like a late Feb/heading toward Spring sun does. It's a vast difference from early Dec through Jan then it slowly goes downhill. We're on life support....
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