Those amounts are heavy duty and it's not like a 2 day event, relatively quick. Overall should be fun to track...
62F/sunny w/some gust. Speaking of, when my hat blows off my hair looks like Boris Johnson only 5x longer. A true nightmare and awkward at times...
Didn't drop much at all, 38F @ 4:45am.
Probably a good day to get stuff done outside, then sit outside, grab a beverage/grill at maybe catch a glimpse of the Blue Angels/ Thunderbirds at 2pm. Flying over Philly and parts of Mont/Bucks counties...
Anyone see Glenn during the 4-5pm forecast? He did the 10 day and had mid 50's/rain later next week in Philly. (Not the rain later this week) What killed me is he said if we had this pattern during the winter we'd be buried... just him saying this irked me!
Same exact here....wind has picked up but IMO really a nice day. Not a Spring day w/temps in the 50s (more like Fall) but yeah, not bad. An overachiever for sure...
Well, it's 39F at 3:40am....already below my predicted low and a couple more hours to drop. Predicted low tonight is 36F so Voyager you may nail freezing as we approach, go figure?. Just took a walk and the wind is dead...actually all surroundings are dead.
Hope the best for you man.
Well, even for those who hate this weather it helps in two ways. Limits bugs and certainly pollen. I hate bugs/gnats and have bad allergies so this weather pattern benefits myself and I'm sure others.
I'm truly in la la land w/temps tonight in the low 40s, more rain and fog. And filled w/happiness looking ahead to tomorrow w/more rain, not getting out of 40s once again and I think windier than today!! And to make things even more special I'm pretty sure I'll hit the 30s tomorrow night and you'll be blessed w/even colder really doesn't get much better.
I wish today was 65F and mostly sunny but it has been more clouds than I expected. I can take these (todays) type of days once in a while. But believe me I like days like yesterday, tomorrow and Monday more. Wednesday-Thursday may be a rainy thrill as well.
Here's my ratio. Give me 3 days like yesterday and tomorrow to 1 day like today....basically 75/25.
Exactly. The temps are warmer but I've been partly to mostly cloudy so far today...I definitely was expecting more sun. I feel like we deserve it today since tomorrow will be complete crap...
It felt like it. I don't think things will get any better (lift shutdown) around here till June 1st at the earliest.
Nice day tomorrow which means lawn cutting because Sunday is another washout it appears...
Man, I don't know what to think? Watching the NFL draft, took a walk to Wawa w/a bandana around my face, hair long as hell, rain/sleet mixture falling and absolutely no one on the road besides a stray