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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Just ticked down to 39F...cooler air moving in. I just want to see some flakes.
  2. Winds have really picked up within the past half hour. Went from 44F to 40F currently...
  3. Yeah, It's certainly not my main focus for weather but a side note. But man, certain channels are really bad and comical these days...
  4. It isn't though. NBC10 always says "real feel", not windchill. I hear 6abc say wind chill although they may say "real feel" but I don't recall. Another thing. NBC10 puts the temps map up for this Sat (tomorrow) and it looks like the real temps but a little graphic in the upper left hand corner says "real feel". My parents (in their 80s) saw this and the highs for Sat and said will be in the 20s/30s....I said no..no. That's stupid ass NBC10 "real feel" trying to be dramatic.
  5. You know what screwed you and I up is CBS said the latest snowfall amounts....I may sue them. While on a rant, it is much more pleasing/normal to say/hear "wind chill" (6abc) for Sat rather than (NBC10) douchey "real feel"....also a plus to see Jim and Cecily IN THE STUDIO at the same time keeping it real. Another plus for 6abc....
  6. I think you may be correct regarding May 24th. It appears May 8 1898 was the latest snow event (trace) in Philly. Good call...
  7. Yep, looky there. I must have been under a rock because I don't even remotely remember either of those dates. The 24th really baffles me....a week before June, snow and I don't remember it????
  8. I thought the same but this is kinda shocking because I don't remember either of these events. I must have been on a extended weekend bender.... '"After the second-least snowiest season on record in Philadelphia, this spring snowflake chance is quite the surprise! Philadelphia has only recorded six days with snow in May dating back to 1885 — all trace amounts. The most recent of these May trace snowfalls occurred in 2010 and the latest occurred on May 24 in 2000." https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2020/05/06/philadelphia-weather-snow-in-may-parts-of-region-could-see-snowflakes-wind-chills-dipping-into-20s/ May 24th...WTF?
  9. Yep, that's what I figure. Being up at that time is not difficult these days due to my screwed up schedule. Two things are a must: -Phone is fully charged/pictures/video -Beer/booze Summer records are cool but winter/snow records in May are mega-ultra-super cool and way more noteworthy in my book.
  10. 63F/sunny/some gusty winds *Very active hurricane season predicted: https://www.accuweather.com/en/hurricane/accuweather-issues-2020-atlantic-hurricane-season-forecast-update/735844
  11. Glenn sounds pretty damn excited about Sat. Temps in the 40s, winds 40+ at times and a good possibility of flakes falling even in Philly.... 46F/rain
  12. Yep, I was at 51F earlier...then 50F and now just looked and it's 48F. The clouds have definitely lowered w/some wind and mist/light rain.
  13. Thanks, good to know. Just fell into the 40s at 49F
  14. Being May, if I receive a snow shower which melts on contact I'll be thrilled and cherish the moment....
  15. Winds have been more than I expected. But yeah, overcast and 56F currently...
  16. Yep, definitely. For those who suffer from allergies it felt great. It was like sweeping out the old stale mild air with new fresh cool air. My sinuses and watery eyes said "thank you". *
  17. 44F currently at 4:25am...morning walk felt good. ( had to dodge a couple murder hornets but made it) Really looking forward to the next 5-7 days...50s (60 tops) and 40s Sat for the high/30s low. Rain /maybe some flakes mixed in our general area during this span. This is truly a treat for May and wish I could bottle it up and spread this joy w/others....
  18. Summer never fails (99+% success rate) while Winter has a 70%+ chance of failure. I'm enjoying this time now while delaying Summer as long as Mother Nature permits (and closer to Fall)....a win-win.
  19. Winds have picked up and you can feel cooler air filtering in the area. God Bless. I may step outside to see if I can catch a Asian "Murder Hornet" bee before they freeze this weekend...
  20. Memorial Day 3 weeks away....better dig out the bathing trunks.
  21. Really can't wait for the cooler (some rain) weather next week, 50s next weekend and 30s overnight. Pure joy. Today sucked while cutting the lawn. Too warm, bugs and coughing/sneezing due to allergies. Screw that...
  22. You really couldn't get much more spring overnight. Windows were open, then hear light rain falling and now birds chirping...
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