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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Every long term this Spring has busted regarding heat. (and precip to some degree) Always trended cooler and less precip...maybe this will be the turn around?
  2. That may be too high? Spring 2020 lives on...
  3. Well, any chance of TStorms tomorrow are quickly going down the tube. Nothing more than some showers if that? Looking ahead, 50s next Tues or Wed...or both? 66F/Overcast
  4. I haven't seen such a clear sunny sky in quite some time. If you want some "color" today would be your day... 57F
  5. Maine or New Hamshire would be my choice. Seafood, solid winters, less cluster-f**k and all around comfortable temps year round. Would still stick to Philly sport teams though... 56F/gusty
  6. YES!!! Actually watched Glenn during todays 11am broadcast....temps for next week were reduced by 3-4 degrees compared to yesterday forecast which I originally thought were too high. 55F currently w/wind...beautiful. Looking forward to another May night in the 30s....
  7. "Realfeel" irks me just about as much as "95 corridor". Both terms make my right frontal lobe ache... Just stepped out, 44F...still breezy (10 - 15mph-ish) and crisp. Feels like Fall. I better enjoy this now before we get torched...
  8. Winds still howling here...had to fetch my trash can.
  9. That wouldn't surprise me. It's been gusty all day...
  10. Definitely a bust concerning winds today....easily 30-35+ gust which I didn't expect nor predicted. 53F
  11. Same. Today: Some sun--> clouds move in and lower--> winds pick up--> shower (poss hail) then some sun--> clouds move in and lower--> winds pick up--> shower (poss hail) then some sun--> clouds move in and lower--> winds pick up--> shower (poss hail) Repeat.... 58F
  12. Looking ahead, it appears Mon - Tues (maybe Wed?) will be our last w/highs in the 50s till Fall. Then avg-above avg may take hold. Man, we really skipped Spring this year. Hopefully we don't get into a real long term "bake" pattern (HHH) this summer. Let's just hang out at average w/some storms from here on out till Fall.... 51F/clear
  13. When I lived in Horsham I went to the one in Hatboro (<2 mi away)) and quickly realized DO NOT GO SUNDAY MORNING ON MOTHERS DAY! A complete mess. Go Sat midday on to choose from a good selection without the hassle. Same goes w/Easter Sunday mornings...complete hell.
  14. Currently 37F, predicted low tonight is 35F w/scattered frost. Clear skies and light winds so we'll see. But I think it may go a tad under 35F w/these conditions...
  15. Same 43F/partly sunny/cloudy while kite flying...
  16. Predicted low is 31F here and by golly I want to get there. A little snow, some winds and a below freezing night in May...really impressive. Sitting at 35F
  17. Down to 35F w/super light snow but on it's way out. Next up, hitting =< 32F.....
  18. 36F and super fine super light snow/snow mist. Hell, it's frozen and it's May. Woo hoo! 5/9/20
  19. I am! Pretty sure I'm seeing hallucination flakes mixing in as I stare intensely. Heavier precip would turn it over...even if it was only for a short period.
  20. 37F...gonna be a close call between the precip moving out and being cold enough.
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