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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. 46F @ 10pm...maybe a smidge colder than last night at this time.
  2. Pop the cork, wake the neighbors...the 30s are here!
  3. Down to 40F....looking for the elusive 30s.
  4. 41F @ 1:30am....not going to bed till I hit the 30s!
  5. 44F @ 11:45pm Really not diggin the warm up coming next week...don't feel like hitting 80 again till Spring/Summer 2021.
  6. 62F @ 3:45pm (smoke hazed skies have cleared out...bright blue) Pred: 35-36F tonight
  7. 43F @ 4am Didn't think we'd get this low by this time and probably can eek out out a few more degrees. Sat night is almost a lock for 30s...
  8. At 12:25am: 52F and a freakishly low DP of 33. No doubt the burbs hit the 40s tonight and a good chance of 30s Sat night. Halloween weather in September...
  9. I'm setting my bar even higher....30s! 66F / DP 55 w/a mighty fine breeze.
  10. Cold front pushing through Fri night/Sat should push our creepy smoke clouds out. At least for now... 61F
  11. I was thinking this exact thing yesterday. Also thinking this may help for a colder/snowier winter? As a Met, how would/could make an accurate forecast under these conditions? I can see them busting high on the temps quite frequently. (not their fault) Right now the sky looks humid as hell out (that hazzy/muggy look) but the DP is 51 and feels great but certainly no blue skies. The "smoke effect". Quite strange. I think the critters in the trees who usually make all sorts of noise have croaked. Haven't heard them in a while. However my friendly low key grasshoppers are still with us... Highs over the weekend in the low-mid 60s.....we may see some overnight 30s in the burbs?
  12. I was out early this morning and it was really crisp. It felt great! Yeah, the sky looks really cool and really weird/creepy at the same time...it's odd for sure.
  13. 46F here....43F in Pottstown, first time in the 40s in a while.
  14. Isn't that the smoke from the west coast fires drifting east (into PA) and hazing the skies if that's what you're talking about?
  15. It's 2020, anything can happen. We'll probably see a blizzard and a crippling ice storm to close out the year. (Nov/Dec) 53F / DP 42
  16. Although the weather has been dead boring for a while and will continue....can't help but like days in the 60s/70s and nights in the 50s and I think 40s soon. Thank God we have Sally for some tracking entertainment/excitement...
  17. Stuff growing out West. I may act like an idiot and try to mow the lawn before it rolls through....impress the neighbors.
  18. Looks like a little stuff moving in...
  19. Well, this certainly didn't pan out but the critters were cheering to the end! Pretty sure I heard E-A-G-L-E-S chants by them as I was hauling the TV back into the house? God Bless non biting critters.... 65F / DP 53
  20. 73F / DP 49 ....with bright blue skies and 100% sunshine. May haul the TV outside tonight for the Flyers game with lows in the 50s and critters being the fans...
  21. Well, at least Del is getting pounded....
  22. A solid 15 min downpour but no thunder/lightning. 73F / DP 71 Winds from the WNW...DPs should start to drop.
  23. Yeah, I'm not counting on anything too severe around here...more like showers. The sun is shaded by high clouds, temps in the mid 80s, DPs 67-68 and the radar is nothing to write home about approaching 3pm. If anything, the S may fire up and cash in...
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