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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. 41F / DP 36 @6am Took a walk and sitting outside now and wow what a difference this air mass has on my breathing/respiratory system compared to recent days. It's quite refreshing and I hope it last...
  2. 72F / DP 61 Damn, I can't wait for the colder air to filter in tonight then a high of only around 50 tomorrow. Now that's football weather!
  3. Not London out there for the first time in several days...limited fog. 63F / DP 62 (Feels like early Sept rather than late Oct for this time of early morning)
  4. Rain/55F @ 12:55am Perfect Fall day tomorrow, temps in 50s, rain and some wind (10-20 mph+) and falling leaves....
  5. 44F @ 12:35am. With no/calm winds and clear skies 30's may happen....
  6. Winds kicking (30 mph+)...73F / DP 51
  7. DP tanked...down to 42 w/a temp of 64F. Perfect Fall day w/leaves starting to fall...
  8. Accuweather winter forecast 9/30/20 (Not pretty) https://www.accuweather.com/en/winter-weather/accuweathers-2020-2021-us-winter-forecast/818601
  9. 1:20am: First time in a while I was awaken with rain hitting the window. Welcome cold front! 61F
  10. 72 / DP 69....can't wait till the cold front rolls through hopefully w/some storms. Late week and weekend look/will feel great.
  11. DP up to 69, this blows. AC will come on tomorrow. No way I'm watching the Birds when it's warm/muggy...it's gotta feel somewhat like Fall in the house.
  12. Definitely feel the DPs today (currently 66) compared to the last week or so. I went outside thinking I'll get some fresh air w/a breeze. Neither, dead calm and muggy.... 71F / DP 66
  13. Good Lord, all critters out tonight in full force w/the warmer temps and perhaps their last hurrah....next weekend will be a different story. 67F / DP 61
  14. 78F / DP 58 Glenn just mentioned Philly has only received .06" rain during the last 15 days. That's pretty sad...
  15. AC probably kicks back on this weekend. Rain early next week followed by a nice chill later next week and a below norm next weekend...thinking upper 50s/low 60s highs for the burbs.
  16. As of 9:30am it's officially Fall!!! 56F / DP 42
  17. 41F @ 1:20am. Looks like the burbs are heading toward a 3rd straight night in the 30s. Not too shabby for Sept...
  18. Smoke returns tomorrow/Wednesday and crazy skies will reappear.... 61F / DP 34
  19. Yeah, I'm stuck at 46F for the past couple hours. Now I'm behind last nights pace...
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