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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Yeah but you know this isn't gonna happen. I hope but we're 5 days away....Euro will probably piss us off in a little bit.
  2. Should keep greenskeeper busy... Hopefully good times ahead!
  3. Think positive! Many runs and no sleep. You're in a favorable location...
  4. Talk about a fine line if it sets up as depicted. 15" to less than an 1' in a short drive...
  5. Would be sweet, days away and not much wiggle room but even some potential to track is positive. NE gets clobbered. Ji already complaining in the MA subforum....some things never change.
  6. Maybe not. He left the building without handing any out. Maybe he's on his way to walmart to pick up the family pack? 32F / super light snow
  7. Snow tapering off....nice little event. 31F/light snow greenskeeper in the house...he has some work to do.
  8. Coming down the heaviest now with the grand finale as the back edge is approaching...down to 31F
  9. Down another degree to 32F. Grass/leaves/shrubbery a coating...some rooftop sticking. Scenic event, not bad.
  10. Too bad this didn't come through overnight, more stickage. Down another degree to 33F probably due to the intensity. Under a mod band now w/another one to the W...
  11. Grass tops becoming white...went down a degree to 34F
  12. A squall type thing going on...mod+/wind/sideways snow... 35F / DP 24
  13. First flakes just started, breezy. 35F / DP 23
  14. Yeah, it's nailing a wall. And yep it will probably be rain once things juice up. It's right on my doorstep... 35F / 22
  15. A little stuff to the W starting to blossom/show up... 28F
  16. Some of the best gust of winds today within the past 1/2 hour...any chance of a firepit cancelled. 36F
  17. DROVE ME NUTS! Does he need a new Sears craftsman toolbox to fix things? Next week same shit, over and over. Best case scenario Hurst plays decently well (and improving) for the rest of the year but they lose every game and gain a higher draft pick. Oh yeah, weather. Been outside quite a bit and really is a good afternoon if you like colder temps/wind/low sun angle. Much better than 95F/HHH/allergies and with bugs F'n with me... 37F
  18. Means "I'm getting old". You have April til Oct+ to work on the boat...have a little fun with winter. Believe me I dig the outdoors/boating/fishing. Starting in April w/trout season....everything during the summer and ending with crabbing late Sept/early October..
  19. Is that confirmed? I picture Pederson throwing up a curveball and starting Wentz...
  20. It was a nice throw though...Wentz would have been sacked. Yeah, tomorrow morning should be cool. Just seeing flakes falling and cold temps....may be a Jeb walk morning?
  21. Possibly a couple flurries early Wednesday? But what I'm really looking forward to are the 55-60F temps Sat/Sun...woo hoo! 28F @ 11:10pm
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