I think they're going with 1-2" now....still probably too low. (Berks/Lehigh)
Winds 40+mph will make this a fun event. Always enjoy high winds/drifting with heavy snow...
Put new fuel in, change the spark plug (or see if you're getting spark) and spray starting fluid directly into the carburetor/ throttle housing. It's inexpensive and many times does the trick. Definitely a nice weekend (temp-wise) to be outside...
^Sustained winds or frequent wind gusts of 35 mph or greater. Visibility of less than a quarter mile due to large amounts of falling or blowing snow. Forecasted continuation of the above conditions for three hours or longer.
Things are going our way too much...it's hard to believe. It seems each model run (Mon/Wed events) just confirms the previous one, sometimes better. I'll just enjoy the ride...
Yeah. I'm thinking upper Mont/Bucks may see a little something but Lehigh Valley has a good shot. I may see a couple sloppy flakes but that's about it. I don't really care....it's all about Wednesday.
For today.
We're going to get buzz-killed on one of these runs and contemplate jumping off the Ben Franklin....it's just a matter of when. I'm taking nothing serious till Monday....
I'm happy and giddy now but I won't take anything super serious till Monday with somewhat agreement among models. Like others, I've been down this road waaayyyy too many times....