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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Fog and stuff starting to roll in..... hazy looking at the street lights.
  2. I don't know what the hell this is? Heavy drizzle, light rain, something else? Fog rolling in? Stephen King movie The Mist?
  3. Wash rinse and repeat, showers, nothing, showers then more showers. Clammy cold as well, not good for the elderly. Bones creaking.... Advil by the freight. My body feels like a train wreck. Better than a blow torch though so I take. Give me a 6 incher plus. Snow, that is....
  4. That annoying snow squall alert sound on my phone would make my day...
  5. Same. Super overcast skies, 30°with snow cover. I could really go for early morning snow squall with an inch..
  6. I have no idea but I think it's pretty close? Had steady rain here for several hours on end so I think an inch and a half plus maybe two inches? Precip over now, some trained howling winds blowing in... Down to 39° at 9:55 p.m.
  7. Yep, backend swinging through as I type. Temps really took a dive, currently 42°. As far as Christmas, just don't want a blow torch. Cold and an inch or two would do me fine...
  8. Steady moderate rain for quite a bit.. haven't heard this for quite a while. Sounds abnormal. Drought guy should be giving some sort of update...sinner. 56° Steady rain
  9. Impossible...just doesn't (or little chance) work that way any longer. So I guess we'll have to be happy with a gully washer w/wind and some early morning dense fog. Or best case scenario rain w/a cold front blasting through w/some back end snow and that doesn't usually pan out either....overall we're screwed and be happy w/flurries/snow shower or my cell going batshit crazy w/a approaching squall rolling through... 50F, rising temps...
  10. Adam at 6pm...think 2"+ is a given for most of the area. Looking forward to wind sweep rain (25-30mph+) and possible thunder tomorrow. The dense fog this morning was a real treat as well...not seeing what's in front of you while driving is great fun. 50F
  11. Nice little bout of winter today, a Packers win tonight would make it spectacular....33F.
  12. Better junk just to my N....still gusty w/a ocassional flake/breezy here so not all bad. 34F
  13. No doubt, solid gust with a snow shower mixed in... has a holiday feel. Walmart is a big jolly rancher with ants,people,attacking.
  14. Pissed off mean looking Jim O'Brien clouds producing a little squall, 35°. ,windy. Trash night should be interesting...
  15. Deer are oblivious to humans these days. They used to run like hell when they seen one of us humans, now they stand and stare. Need to gun some of them down and make jerky. Had a small squall about an hour ago. Windy with mean Jim O'Brien looking clouds above currently...
  16. Really falling in bands periodically. Nothing then sheets of snow sideways.
  17. Decent steady stuff falling with the winds.. probably won't stick but looks cool.
  18. Flakes falling,winds and the Birds winning streak.. not too shabby.
  19. Forecast low of 20F tonight. Lowest in a while. Cross my fingers for upper teens... 35F
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