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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Here it is, I lowered my standards : - I expect nothing before the 25th but temp highs will lower gradually. - 1/25 to 2/5 a storm 4" (maybe more) - If this doesn't pan out...screw it. I'll start collecting seashells or stamps as a hobby...
  2. You know the drill...this has happened many times. Pretty much annually. I fully expect to open the door on the 15th w/a artic blast and blizzard conditions...
  3. Same here....I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
  4. Not here. I think the average high is 39/40F for my area currently and I've been spot on. Some days highs are mid/upper 30s, some days low/mid 40s. No torch or artic air...just average. And definitely not "lots of rain" here as well....
  5. That's just sad to view. I think my mound has several days left....trying to make it to a month.
  6. Only difference up here is it's a couple degrees colder. Doesn't matter though, storms slipping to our south and it's still too warm to snow. This winter hasn't been a torch by any means but too warm for snow/frozen stuff. I feel like I've been hanging between 35 - 45F for highs for weeks and the next week seems to be the same....
  7. When the MA forum only has a hand full of post overnight there's no sense looking at the Euro and any other obscure model...
  8. That would have been a good one! To his advantage he has a whole damn parking lot to create his majestic mound. You have way less and limited area. Probably mound size per area available you would win....
  9. He may have tutored Kamu? He's a pure snow preservative genius,...damn good!
  10. During the Summer, my mother (upper 80's) at night will sleep in mid 80s temps/humid w/no fan or A/C.....makes me cringe. I would be a puddle. Just got back from the post office and believe it or not North Wales train station still has a couple mounds of snow from the mid Dec snow. WTF?? I'm starting to think the snow plow guy is a "closet" snow weenie? He may need help. He plows the snow in large mounds in SHADED locations so it last....God Bless Him:) 35F/Overcast
  11. I haven't had this problem yet but it's called getting old. Didn't you ever go into your parents/grandparents house when you were younger and you thought to yourself, "It's hot as shit in here!"..... 36F/Cloudy
  12. Yeah, I think the only thing that will help me is old age and memory loss. Winter will fly by without me even knowing it...I'll be too busy outside yelling at kids to get the hell off my lawn. 34F
  13. I seriously may consider turning into a "severe weather guy" rather than a "snow guy".Tracking snow takes so much time and 80%+ of the time you will be disappointed. With severe weather you know when a cold front is coming through/instability....check the radar usually around mid afternoon, hope for red echoes developing and you're good to go. Sit back and enjoy...none of that 10 day out shit only to get screwed.
  14. You've been reading the Mid Atlantic subforum, haven't you? Bunch of sinners over there.... 45F
  15. Yep, 34F here and rain. Disturbing but it's sadly better than a blow touch...
  16. Happy New Year all! Drunk neighbor igniting sticks of dynamite an hour early.. 30F
  17. I was outside/feeling pingers and thought I was crazy/hallucinating because I knew it was 40F+....apparently not. 41F
  18. Just took a walk right before midnight and still a couple semi decent mounds (1'-2+' tall) of snow at the North Wales train station. Not too shabby....lasted 2+ weeks when all is said and done. Temps rising as expected...36F a couple hours ago, now 42F.
  19. I'm certainly not getting pumped for something 15-20 days in the future. Hell, we can't get our shit together 3 days out... 41F
  20. Windy like the dickens out there... 34F For some reason this was recommended to me on YouTube. Quick clip. "Wouldn't you like to know weatherboy"
  21. All the local outlets lowering their NYE and NYD highs by 10-15F +.....people who watch weather occasionally/don't track must be like WTF???
  22. Sunday night football....snowing in GB! 27F here in North Wales
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