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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. They have a shit-load on hand so "they'll spare no expense". They barely used any last year or this year. I hate the wear and tear it takes on the car though. Freezing drizzle/light frz rain at 30F won't have a chance to make a impact on roads. They'll be just wet. Untreated sidewalks maybe a little slick. 30F
  2. Would that only be in the far burbs or places like us in the immediate burbs? If anything, looks like like snow olut there w/the low clouds and cold. 27F
  3. Lol, watching FOX29/Kathy Orr and her snowfall map was in decimals for snow accumulations. (Not sleet/freezing rain) Philly at .3", .5" for the immediate burbs and .7" further out (Pottstown) Just put a map up coating - 1". When you start talking decimals it sounds even more pathetic.... 28F
  4. Believe me it wasn't much. A couple stray fine flakes looking into my porch light... 28F
  5. I think we'll get at least enough to whiten the ground sometime this week which isn't really asking for much... few flakes/29F
  6. Why's new? This winter may be equally if not worse than last. (so far) Last year we had limited/zero potential so there was no stress/late nights involved. This year I'm way behind on sleep...
  7. Heading into mid winter, a quick recap at gay Adam and hot Cecily's winter outlook. *Note: They had 10" for Philly, 12" local burbs and 15"+ far burbs
  8. Of course, patience. The only thing saving me (losing it) from 2 upcoming failed events are 2 NFL championship games and beer...
  9. The ONLY good thing about this (personally) is a delayed/colder than normal Spring before we torch in Summer which makes Fall come that much quicker...
  10. Analogs from the past say less snow and we'll get screwed this winter.....and we have. Punting after the Thurs event fails?
  11. Ch6 (Accu Weather) going w/coating to 1" for Philly....Burbs 1-2". Boy, how that fizzled and probably not done yet.... 27F
  12. You're in Berks so in decent shape. Temps probably won't be a problem but lack of precip may be... 27F
  13. Ji's "worse hobby ever" quote comes to mind.... 29F/windy
  14. 12z Euro seems to limit our precip amounts quite a bit....
  15. Yeah, I'm seeing 1-3" then sleet/freezing rain maybe switching back to snow on Tuesday but nothing heavy. These snow to sleet/mix precip events usually disappoint as far as snow totals. The mix/changeover usually happens quicker than expected so snow totals are lower. It's something but not looking forward to hearing the first dreaded sound of "pings"... 27F/windy
  16. Hell no! Take what you can get now. Nothing is certain.
  17. Pretty sure you'll be on heavy duty meds before winter is over....not positive but pretty sure.
  18. Cool dog but a Husky would have been weenie weather picture perfect...
  19. Watching the news....snowing at the Capital? Damn, nice!
  20. Just went out to my ultra snow light....witnessed jack shit.
  21. Junk moving in...let's see what happens. 31F
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