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About Birds~69

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    North Wales, PA

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  1. Can't sleep, watching the Birds replay 16f currently with the high today in the low 20s. Low tonight around 4f. Snow isn't going anywhere. Would like a refresher in the next day or so but don't see it...
  2. Birds 5.5 favorites verse Washington next weekend...
  3. It's really aggressive here right now. I wouldn't be surprised at thundersnow....
  4. Picked up here in the last 15 minutes. Definitely the best snowfall of the year by far. Coming down like gangbusters...
  5. All in all, a good day. Birds win, still snowing and will probably get my 4 in but stressful.... Good stuff!
  6. Drunk people lighting off bombs. Still snowing at a good rate...
  7. Elliott really needs to get his shit together. This is going to burn us at some point...
  8. Same time, same place. Next Sunday at 3:00 p.m. on Fox.
  9. Hit the three dots above your post and select delete
  10. NFC championship in Philly! Woohoo! We'll see you Washington...
  11. It's too late. The kicker and a holder have to get in sink and all that stuff. But yeah they'll be looking for a kicker next year or in the draft..
  12. He's not right. Birds will be looking for another kicker next year. This isn't a one-game thing this is like a season thing. A problem. Hopefully it doesn't hurt them the rest of the year.
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